
Incline Press 5 sets
Standing DB press 4 sets
Rear Delt Fly 4 sets
Hammer strength decline press 4 sets
Cable crossover superset with side raise 4 sets
Shoulder press machine sets of 20 3 sets

Tough to get motivated for the workout. I knew I was off from work the next day and the back of my mind I knew as soon as I left the gym my weekend was going to start. I still got in a pretty good workout. The pumps are still amazing and my shoulders got pumped up really quickly and stayed pumped the whole workout. The squeeze from the cable crossovers when you run your arms past each other or tilt the bottom of the handles towards each other is amazing. Overall I think I'm building some nice size to my body. It was good to get a full week in the gym though, felt like it was the first time in awhile.