Hey there guys! I'm new here but figured I'd introduce myself by starting a log. I started this journey about 7 years ago. I'll give you the short version though. Growing up, I battled with my weight constantly. I did not play sports and I really enjoyed eating! Lol In 2006, I weighed over 200lbs at 5'5". I realized how fat I was and wanted to loose weight. So, I did the typical female thing- dropped calories down to 900 a day and ate all crap. Lost down to 140 and got pregnant with my second child. After having my second child, I joined a gym determined not to get fat again! Little did I know I'd become addicted! Haha...Waisted over a year basically still eating crap and playing in the gym before I started educating myself on proper training and nutrition. Slowly, I am learning and making more changes... As of now I have lost 70+lbs and 20-25% body fat.

I am currently working with someone laying out my nutrition and training.

I lift 4 days a week using a push/pull set up with cardio at lunch most days usually in the form of HIIT/Tabata.

Macros vary depending if it's before a training day or not. Most carbs are done in a backloading fashion at the later part of the day other than a small portion post workout.
200p, 175c, 60f/200p, 40c, 60f
Water- 1 gallon or more a day

Yesterday was a cardio only day! Did 30 mins of Tabata sprints on the treadmill. 20/10 @8-8.5. Then 3 sets of pull ups wide/neutral 8-10 reps each.

Today was push day #2 for the week. Totally zoned out several times. Lol (in a good way) I switched my music up from mostly Skillet to a mixture of Hard Rock. Love it! I skip some of the songs due to the language but otherwise it's perfect for the intensity I keep during training!

Incline bench
45x15, 55x15
95x12, 85x12, 75x12

Peck deck flyes
90x15, 80x12, 70x13

Standing Scott press'
25x12PR, 20x12, 15x12
**really had a hard time finishing the sets after the 25's! Lol

Squats with bar and arms stretched out to relieve the lactic acid build up in my arm and warm up my legs before leg press'

Leg press
260x15 feet together /calf press x25
440x15 less than shoulder width /calf press x15
620x12 <shoulder width
650x12 <shoulder width rep PR
650x12, 620x12, 575x12, 530x12< shoulder width ; feet together- 440x15, 395x15, single leg/turned 170x15/15

Seated Dip(nautilus plate loaded machine-plate weight only counted)
140x12, 120x12, 110x15

Front lateral raises
20x15, 15x15, 12.5x15

V bar Overhead extensions
42.5x15, 40x12, 35x12

Seated extensions
110x15, 90x15, 70x15

Thanks for following along! Feel free to ask questions!

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