Leg day went surprisingly well...went lighter to play it safe. Just higher reps

Leg press
3 wu sets
4 working sets of 480x20

SS with lateral squat walks (hip circle)

Kneeling squats
4 sets of 160x15

Single leg Glute bridge
4 sets of 12

Lying leg curls
4 sets of 65x12

Leg extensions
4 sets of 100x12

Glute cable kickbacks

Cable crunches
2 sets of 80x15

More rolling/stretching

Side note...I found this that actually has all the releases, stretches, and exercises to strengthen the hips. To help fix rotation. Everything I’ve found before has been bits & pieces of this but never in one spot.

Mine are all out of sorts. Torqued to the left as well as anterior tilt on the right side. Figured I’d share

How to fix a Rotated pelvis - Posture Direct