Quote Originally Posted by Love2liftkat View Post
Today was leg day. Legs have been tight/sore pretty much all week so it was a rough one to push through! Legs were quivering well before I was done! Lol

There were several people over by the smith machines when we first got there so we started with leg press. Kept it to singles to keep from having to move too many plates.

SS 1
Single leg press
292x15(both legs wu)
247x15x4 sets each leg

Single leg stiff Deads
25x12 wu
40x12x4 sets each leg

SS 2
Smith Kneeling squats
190x12x2 sets

Single leg glute bridge
4 sets of 12 each leg

SS 3
Walking lunges
4 sets of 12

Lateral hip circle walks
4 sets of 20

SS 4
Pull-ups 4 sets of 6 @bw (2 neutral grip & 2 wide)

Hanging leg raises
4 sets of 12

Single leg extensions
50x12 4 sets each leg

Lying leg curls
65x10 4 sets
1- it's hilarious you are like me and will go with single legs not to have to move as many plates when you dont have to. lol i do it when the gym is packed or a couple of the other big guys are training.

2- legs quivering at the end, means a great leg day that most likely you will pay for over the next few day. so a success across the board on that one