Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
oh i got ya. i was thinking you were doing them with band tension on the bar. i think the bands around the knees are called hip circles. i believe that's what the technique or at least the setup is called. the way that most do it is they do them dry without weight then work up to their warm up sets and remove them for their heaviest sets. that way it is tricking your body into the motion going in and then it takes over with your heaviest weight. if you do the banded work that i am talking about, to me it makes me stay tighter and puts far less stress on my back knees and hips. it doesnt make any sense as to why but it is much more comfortable for me to push 5-600lbs from the mid point up with band tension than it is with that amount of straight up free weight. in my mind i think its because i am more focused because the bands will bury you if you dont lock in and hold everything tight as soon as you unrack but with straight free weight you have a little wiggle room and tend to loosen up form. may be an additional technique to add to your tool box and give a try though
Ahh yeah you're right! I looked it up. My band isn't quite that tight since I just looped my long light band twice! I'm going to have to get more bands. I have wanted to do banded squats like you're talking about but I don't have a double set. Just singles.

Quote Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
Kat, you have NO mess there I saw how far you had already come before you started this thread. Look back at page 2 and see your squat video you have made a lot of progress since then. Kudos you're amazing.
Thank you so much Trixie!! It's so easy to get caught up in the moment and forget the big picture! I started this journey well over 200lbs and very little muscle. Thank you again!