Ok guys Ive decided to start a log, not only to track my progress but for others to see and possibly learn from. Im by no means a Vet but I just turned 32 and I've been lifting since I was 17. I should mention that some days I'll forget to checkin but I want to write my workouts out every time I lift.

A little about me, I just turned 32, Height: 6'2, Weight: 201, Training Experience: 17-25 very dedicated I lifted four days a week no matter what was going on in my life. Around 24 I was caught up in some personal substance addictions and so during the years from age 24-30/31 I lifted here and there. I never stayed true to a diet and didnt care about progressing. So starting October of 2012 until now I've been steady lifting, more seriously since August of 2013 until now 7/5/2014.

I have four cycle experiences under my belt. Age 25 I ran test cyp 500mg/week and of course since it was my first time I had really good gains. The second cycle consisted of Test cyp & EQ. I cant remember the dosages. Then another test only cycle from June 2013 to Nov 2013. I kept 15lbs of that cycle. So my current cycle I started at 183lbs and im currently at 201lbs. Cycle consists of TestCyp 500mg/week & Tren Ace 100mg every other day.

I was on just Test cyp only for 7 weeks before I added Tren Ace. So today im in the middle of my third week. So far the sides ive experienced are mild sweating at night and some in the morning upon waking. Also a slight increase of aggression but thats it. I dont mind the sweating im already use to it. I have also noticed that when I do high volume I get winded easily.

My diet is a minimum of 3300-3500 calories a day. Now I dont count calories just mainly carbs and protein intake. I usually average 200 grams carbs and 250 grams protein per day. My strength, vascularity, quick muscle growth and muscle fullness are the benefits Ive seen so far.

Please feel free to subscribe and offer advice, suggestions, and comments. All of the above are welcome!

Thanks, Hicktown