I had a slow start in the gym today, had to get in there earlier than usual cause we were slammed with work and appointments. I finally got up to speed just as we were walking out. We need to get back in this afternoon to finish up.

I must not be thinking clearly cause I can not get my diet right for today. Not enough protein or calories and too much fat. Hopefully I can figure it out by the end of the day. I hate this yogurt!!!

Mondays Chest and Back

Back extensions 20 reps 3 sets
Bench Press bar 45x25 wide, x25, narrow, x25 regular grips
Pullovers lying across the bench 27.5lb dumbbell 16x3
Shoulder Shrugs 20lb dumbbells 16x2, , 15x20x1
Fly machine chest 40x20x3, 25x20x3, rear delt
Slant board side to side crunches 35x3
Lat pulls wide grip 60x20x3
Plated incline press 25 each side x16x3
Mowr pulls 20lb dumbbell x20 reps x3 sets
Hammer Strength Ab crunch 10x50x2
Decline bench press 45x20x3 narrow, wide and regular grip

Narrow grip lat pull 50x20x3
Chest press Hoist machine 66x20x3
Ab crunches 100x2

2C coffee
2 whole eggs, Pro 12g, Fat8g, Cal 140
Flax, glutamine, vitamins, 2 oz grapefruit juice Pro 3g, Carb 9g, Cal 35
Off to workout
2 scoop Gold Standard whey shake w water / vitamins, Pro 48g, Carb 6g, Cal 240
Pork Loin Pro 40g , Fat 7g, Cal 231
5 oz Non fat plain Greek yogurt Pro 15g, Carb 7g, Cal 90
Grilled ground beef patty 10% fat Pro 60g, Fat 15g, Cal 392, 2 small tomatoes raw Pro 2g, Carb 9g, jalepenos, Asparigus
1 scoop ISO 100 Pina Colada flavor Pro 24g, Carb 1g, Cal 110
3+ liters water
TOTAL: Pro 202g, Carb 32g, Fat 37g, Cal 1261