Triceps and Front of legs, Tuesdays and Fridays

5 min warm up Stair master and back extentions 12reps x3
Hack squat no extra weight 21x3
Tilt, Tricep 50x21x3
Tilt, Leg Extention 50x21x3
Slant board side to side crunches 35x3
Single arm tricep 25x21x3
ISO Single Leg Extentions 25x12x1, 25x12x1,25xx1 (moved weight further out)
Triceps pull down Rope 50x21x3
Hammer strength Ab Crunch 15x35x3
Leg Press 70x21x1, 90x21x1, 110x21x1
Wide grip cable tricep 50x21x3
Seated Leg Extention 50x21x3
Ab crunches 150x4

2 c coffee w cream
½ c oatmeal w/ 1 tsp local honey and 1 pinch of raw local bee pollen
Flax, glutamine, vitamins
Off to workout
2 scoop Gold Standard shake w/vitamins
4 oz Raw fresh Tuna steak w/ wasabi and low sodium soy sauce