Bench press

135 x 8 x 2

185 x 8

225 x 8

250 x 8

275 x 8---------> 135 x 12

Incline barbell press

135 x 10

185 x 10

225 x 10

250 x 6 x 2

Incline dumbbell fly/ stretch push ups

1 x warm up

50s x 12/ 15

Dumbbell curls

1 x warm up

25s x 20 x 3

Hammer curls

50s x 22, 10, 10

20 min light cardio

Meal 1: 50 gm whey, 1 cup kashi cereal with 2 % milk

Meal 2: 3 egg steak and cheese omelet, 1/2 cup grits, 2 slices wheat toast

Meal 3: 2 bratwurst, 8 oz sweet potato, turkey and cheese crackers, Klondike fudge crunch ice cream bar

Meal 4: 25 whey and 1/2 cup oatmeal (pre workout)

Meal 5: same as 4 (post workout)

Meal 6: 8 oz beef, 1 cup rice