My Twisted View of Powerlifting

16 Nov 13
Auxiliary Day 2

20 minute stretch and warm-up

Since I don't have a chest support row this is what I do to substitute for that.
Set my incline utility bench to the desired angle. Space a 45lb plate in the floor of squat rack.
Set pins and pace bar in rack and move some iron.
Incline Shrugs in Rack:
(3.1.3 tempo/pinky on bar ring/no hooks or belt)
(1 minute rest)
2 x bar x 20
95 x 20
135 x 12
(1.5 minute rest)
225 x 6
(hooks and no belt)
315 x 6
(triple drop-no rest but change plates/hooks and no belt)
275 x 5
225 x 10
185 x 20
Good trap work here this evening.
They ache and are tight.and swole.

Pull spuds down and out tho sides of chest. Touch thumbs to chest.
Deep arch at bottom and upright at top. No jungle Jim swings here--control the weight.
Stretch at top from shoulders and not the elbows.
Pulldowns to Chest:
(spud handle attachment/3.1.3 tempo/no hooks or belt)
(1.5 minute rest)
100 x 20
160 x 25
180 x 25
200 x 25
Had to hook it up on the 11th rep of the 200--grip gone.
Lats are done.

Dumbbell Hammer Curls:
(2.1.2 tempo/1.5 rest/thumb to chest nipple)
20 x 20
40 x 10
60 x 8
80 x 6
90 x 6
50 x 23
Good and strong on these today.
Forearms are hard as steel.

Barbell Spider Curls:
(2.1.2 tempo/1.5 minute rest)
(index finger on knurl and smooth on bar)
Olympic bar x 25
(middle finger on knurl and smooth on bar)
Olympic bar x 16
Biceps are done with no help from forearms.

TapouT Abs:
16 minutes

Target Stretch:
20 minutes

Overall was still a good training day.