forgot to add: I'm 6' tall Weight: 230 ( I don't know my bf% but im fat now before my wreck this was my weight but all muscle)
Supps: Multi-vit., Fish oil, Amnios, Finishing up creatine i had sitting around before it cakes up(only about 2 weeks worth), Also finishing up some tribulus i've been taking to help boost my test back to normal levels, Use superpump for pre-workout on lifting days, and of course our good friend whey (two 50g shakes a day and have 3 meals a day)

Today is a rest day for lifting, but i'm doing 30 min cardio
My cardio sucks right now but i'm gonna just have to work my way up
When i get settled in on a good schedule with my classes and workouts i'll be able to refine my diet and post what i eat.