Well I have managed to put on some unnecessary weight thanks to my injury. I got really depressed that I had to miss out on the gym and kind of gave up for almost two months. WELL NO MORE. I'm ready to get back into shape and i'm not talking ROUND.

231lbs(as of today )
30 years old
fat f%ck(probably a good 20-25% easy.)

I find that when I log I do better. I might be putting the power lifting and strongman on the back burner for some time because I don't want to risk another injury so soon. 3 muscle tears last year is enough.

I'm going to follow a protocol that Anabolic5150 put together for me quite some time ago. He knows his shit, might as well use it. After every workout I will do a minimum of 30minutes of cardio. Im thinking it will almost always be incline walking.

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