

45min stepmill lss level 9(fast)

cable cross 6sets 15 reps
reverse peck deck fly 4 sets 12 reps
db lats 4 sets 12 reps
hs incline press 45x10/4
v bar press downs 6sets 12 reps
machine crunches 40x15/4
40 min treadmill walk to hit steps for the day. no actual second cardio today

done for the day. as noted yesterday pulling back on training and it is good since i am still dealing with the shoulder issue. sucks not being able to press and hit it at least semi hard even while pulling back. pretty good pace today again and dont feel to awful bad during training. afterwards and the remainder of the day is a whole other story haha. doing a refeed today and then a final push. i hate the damn refeeds so freaking bad because they crank my appetite up so high for the days following it is insane. seems like i can push the low carb stuff for a while and my body and appetite adapts and i get used to it. then toss in a free meal or a refeed and it's like putting gas on a fire. anyway added in an additional 400 carbs for the day and dropped the second cardio. getting close and i am ready to go. had a pro buddy of mine take a peek and he says i am ready to go. so we shall see.

meal 1
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup egg whites
4oz sirloin
100g rice
bag rice cakes
2 slices ez bread
2 cups spinach
meal 2
8oz cod
100g jasmine rice
2 slices ez bread
1 rice krispy treat
1 cup green vege
meal 3(pre)
2 scoops whey iso
60g cor
1tbl spn pb
1 rice krispy treat
1 scoop recovery factor x
10g creatine
10g eaa
meal 4(post workout
2 scoops whey iso
100g jasmine rice
2 slices ez bread
meal 5
2 cups egg whites
100g jasmine rice
2 slices ez bread
meal 6
6oz cod
meal 7
8oz sirloin
100g jasmine rice
2 slices ez bread
onions and mushrooms
lrg green salad w/vinegarette