am fasted cardio
45 min step mill

10 min step mill warmup
rumble roller work
db shrugs 40x30 50x25 70x20 90x20 110x20 ds 110x10ds 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 50x10ds 40x10ds
db lats 15x30 25x20 ds 25x10ds 20x10ds 15x10ds 10x10ds 2d round same as first
seated bent over rear db lats 8x30 10x30 15x25 20x18
rope rear delt pulldowns 40x20 55x20 70x19 85x14
machine shoulder press ds 150x10ds 120x10ds 100x10ds 80x10ds 60x10ds 40x10 (that was stupid and brutal)
db front raise 30x10ds 25x10ds 20x10ds 15x10ds 10x10

30 minutes step mill

meals of the day:
meal 1
16oz tilipia
1 serv cream of wheat
meal 2
1 full carton of egg whites only
1 serv cream of wheat
meal 3 (post workout)
14oz sirloin
1 ser cream of wheat
meal 4
16oz chicken
1 serv cream of wheat
meal 5
16oz ground turkey
meal 6
16oz ground turkey
same old boring food haha

if you notice i have added a ton of drop sets in this week. i am doing this to keep the intensity really high and force a lot more blood in. cuts down on a lot of training time also and allows me to sneak in a little extra post workout cardio and still make my meal timing

quick update on how i am feeling. i am tired but body feels really good. joints mainly my ankles are a touch tender but good. i am also freaking starving big time even with the amounts of food i am pushing daily