Looks like its time to start a workout thread. I have never competed in any weightlifting sports so its all going to be new. Never been to a strongman event, but love watching them on tv. Time to change all this.

First event in mind will be on June 29-30, which gives me a solid 6 months to get my strength up. Ill be starting a new workout routine that is geared more towards the events.

As of right now my stats are
235lbs(need to drop to under 230 otherwise I compete against the big boys)

Bench is weak, but its not an event. 315lbs x 1

Deadlift without straps no belt 545 x 1

squat no belt no knee wraps 495 x 1

Overhead push press is 225 x 3

I have a lot of work to do. Need to increase grip strength, have to find some sort of way to do atlas balls, and yoke walk. Also will need to work on my clean.

Ill try to update after each workout and just make this an ongoing log.