Well I went to urgent care finally when I stopped seeing progress with my own therapy on my knee (at about the week and a half point)...

The good news is I don't have anything structurally wrong with ACL, MCL, etc...looks like I just sprained the outer ACL which is already healing well. Glad I know what I'm doing with therapy!

The bad news is I have a large tare in my inner meniscus...

For me its still good news because at least I know I don't have a bad injury or that I could be possibly still damaging. Meniscus issues run in my family of athletes and this will be my second meniscus issue in this knee (although it was ten years ago!).

I will need surgery to repair it but I can hobble around on it until I can get my medical insurance lined up (bad part of being self employed!).

That's all she wrote!