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    Thread: Just had my surgery

    1. #46
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      • Just had my surgery
      man sorry to hear that. hopefully it will all get more tolerable and better as you heal up more
      TGBSupplements REP


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    2. #47
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Mace, that shit sucks brutha. Stay strong and this too shall pass.

    3. #48
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      Lightbulb Re: Just had my surgery

      This week. Start off with
      Electric stimulation. Upper shoulder/clavical.

      Created a shrugging motion/retraction. Lasted for 15 minutes.

      Band straight arm pulldowns changed from yellow to red band(heavier)
      Hands were in front about 45-60degrees and pull downward so each hand come down to my side allowing the tension to pull my arms back to a forward position allowing a nice stretch (hold for 5 seconds)

      Lying on my back using my left arm,i hold this 2-3 foot 1" pvc pipe. At the top it is in The shape of a T. This is what it looks like actually. The letter. (T.) So with my right hand i hold the top cross section. Now i use my right hand to push the T in an upward position across my body into the air while hold the top with my right hand.
      This exercise has been modified. I perform this for 30 reps
      First Extending above the head.
      When done i perform this movement extending further away from the body up above the delt and hold for 3 seconds ..x 30 reps. So first exercise i extend straight up above the head. Second exercise i extend outward above and to the upper side of the delt .

      scapular retractions
      Repeat 10x for 5 sec.

      Upper trap stretch
      Both sides Repeat 3x hold 30 sec

      Pendulum circles
      3 sets each direction about 20 sec each time

      Gripmaster hand exercise. Pic below
      Repeat 20x , hold 10 sec, 7lbs

      Wrist supination stretch
      Repeat 3x. Hold 20-30sec

      Wrist flexor stretch /both ways
      hold 30 sec ,5 sets

      Layed on my left side. Arm extended on my right side.
      Shrug up 2reps ,shrug down 2reps.
      Repeat 20x

      Move/shrug forward 2reps/ shrug backward
      2reps. Repeat 20x

      Then i had to do these clockwise 20x and counterclockwise 20x

      Wrist curls 3 lbs
      2 sets x 30reps

      Reverse wrist curls 3 lbs
      2 sets x 30 reps

      Reverse curls
      3 sets x 8 reps

      Hand/palm Against a wall for resistance all exercises.
      Forward delt raise
      Side delt raise
      Rear delt raises

      New Just added below
      no weights /body weight only

      Standing position
      Forward delt raises to chest/ shoulder area (as high as i can go with only using chest or bicep.
      Side delt raises as high as i could go. (Half way between shoulder and waist)
      Delt raises between forward and side. Kinda on a 3 oclock angle.
      Thumb upward.

      Cryo ice therapy.
      This completed my therapy today

      Sorry all. Post have been down. Will be back to normal this week.
      Side note: if laying on my left side and my right arm is extended down in my body. If my arm/hand goes behind my butt or back i cannot lift my arm up from this position.
      I have to use my hand and kinda pull up my arm a little bit at a time until im able to move the arm and shoulder.. Its pretty painful. So still no strength at all in that area..

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    4. #49
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      This isnt exactly what was done . i had some other stuff done to the rotator and socket ,But this will show you how they attach my bicep back down to the humerus bone and applied sutures. I dont believe this one shows how they pull out the tendon through the incision outside of the body and cut off what is being removed and attaching the stitching into the end of the tendon.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    5. #50
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Here is another surgery except they make a fourth incision in the under pec to re connect it.
      This is a better pocture and more detail.
      Hope you guys luke them.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    6. #51
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Sorry ..lol. Here it is

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    7. #52
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      I was questioning why they had to do this bicep tenodesis?
      This is nothing like what i remember from yrs ago when i had surgery on my left shoulder.
      Come to find out. The reason is due to the tear being greater than 50%. I feel as if my arm is being twisted at the front of the shoulder/pec area. My bicep(right arm) seems to have disappeared. Everything feels awkwardly. Supposedly this is normal. Doing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls i feel it in my shoulder. (WHO KNEW?) I will begin posting daily again. Im a bit depressed. Having to go back to work monday really has my mind blown. Ive been out of the immobilizer+sling for about a week. I find myself still not sleeping. Sitting up seems to be the best position still.
      According to therapy i am 3-4 weeks ahead of schedule.
      Flexability and range of motion is great, which they say is the hardest part. Im upset i havent been cleared to jog yet. 3 months is when i will be able to cardio!!!
      Update more later. Sorry again everyone. Kinda been feelingbdown and didnt wanna unload my depressing bull on everyone.
      One thing is certain. I truly believe the bpc/tb500 combo is what has greatly helped with me being ahead in recovery and range of motion. Update more in a bit.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    8. #53
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Just had my surgery
      Ok so things are moving along. Im very sore. Seems that this recovery is gonna take longer than anticipated to heal to the point i regain normal mobility. Been kinda agitated.
      On a positive note. Had bloodwork done today. Here is what was tested.
      Will post results when i get them.
      I drove for the first time today. Took myself to get my bloodwork.
      These means i will begin hitting the gym for some legs and cardio. Still no jogging or bouncing.
      This reattachment is so awkard. I have constant pain/soreness in the side of the delt. Throughout the day i have these shooting pains that kinda stop me in my tracks. I just close my eyes for a few moments and rub my shoulder. It comes in bunches. Then i continue on with whatever i am doing.
      Here is some equipment from where i have therapy. This is called an anti gravity treadmill.. Cost 40k.
      Never seen one until going here.
      Therapy has increased and starting monday i will begin using bicep and tricep exercises.
      Will see if i can get a printout of what is done. Actually let me go through some papers i may what we are going to focus on.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    9. #54
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Just had my surgery
      So here is where i am. Week 9.
      This process has been slow. And surprisingly painful. I only say this because i handle pain very well. Although i question myself now.

      Also, not sure if i just nit pickat every little thing i feel or experience, But i pay attention to every click, popping, or snapping sound.

      Ive also had cupping done a session before last. The therapist believes im having certain issues because of the right scapula/shoulder blade and lack of use. So she has been doing a massage/release in and around the right scapula/ shoulder blade.

      Afterwards i am able to Almost fully do the above the head stretch/arm extention above head from laying on my back on the table without pain. Yesterday i was out for a bit witht the kids just walking in the park and allowing the kids to ride their scooters and skateboards was having some pains around the right scapula/shoulder blade. I will ask about this monday when i see the therapist.

      It Was different. Never had this pain before.

      My arm fatigues very quickly. Shakes often when im trying to use it for basic things. Feels heavy. Im very uncomfortable most of the day and especially when trying to sleep. But we are progressing.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    10. #55
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      I have two links if interested to understand the different methods of performing bicep tenodesis. Depending on injury. How active you are , age, how soon the injury is taken care of.

      After reading these if anyone hs any questions i can go over what was done to me. And go over my initial evaluation/mri and then the actual surgery.

      Sleeping sucks. Im very sore and in a different pain than during the day. Seems like my hand swells up at night trying to lay on my left side and i have alot more sharp pain/ splintering feeling. Compared to Like when breaking a chicken bone. My shoulder feels like it is always being pulled forward and inward to my pec. Seems like it just isnt sitting properly or in the right spot.

      I experience popping or rubber band snapping noises often throughout the day.

      Outcomes following long head of biceps tendon tenodesis

      Biceps tenodesis: Surgery, recovery, and success rate

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    11. #56
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Slow is okay, just get better. Thanks for all the info, mace
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    12. #57
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      i appreciate the ability to follow along your process man. you will get better for sure
      TGBSupplements REP


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    13. #58
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      Today therapy was split between 2 people. My normal therapist and an assistant.
      Always start off with stim .
      Followed by stretching out the shoulder and bicep, laying on th3 table while the therapist manipulates the arm.
      Next she does a scapula massage/ work.
      Then restretches out the shoulder.
      Next. Laying on my side do shrugs.
      In a circular motion clockwise then counter. Clock wise 2 top
      2 back 2 bottom 2 forward equals 1. Rotation. So we do 30 in both directions.
      Laying on my back t bar extensions above the head and then out to the shoulder. 30 reps both exercises. Hold 5 sec.

      Laying on my side. Elbow on my side 90%.
      Side laying external rotation. (Forgot the name of exercise...lmao)1lb weight
      Wrist curls. 5lbs(very light)
      Bicep curls 3lbs and 5lbs sets of 20 x2
      Reverse curls 3lbs and 5lbs 20reps x 2
      Hand Grip (blackcolor)
      30 squeezes hold each for 5 seconds.

      Isometrics using the wall 2 sets of each 30sec hold each.
      Delt raises
      Forward, top -of palm against the wall,
      side -top of palm against the wall
      rear -palm pressing against the wall
      Standing palm against the wall elbow bent at the side 90% press inward with palm
      Back of palm against the wall bent at elbow 90% angle press outward against the wall

      Delt raises. 2 sets 20 reps hold 5 sec thumb upward
      2.Between forward and side about 2 oclock position
      3. Side raises. Raise the arm. Just under half way.

      Low rows with blue bands. 2 sets x 20reps hold 5 sec

      Tricep pushdowns with blue bands
      2 sets 20 reps slow controlled for a 3 sec hold
      2 sets 20 reps hold 5 sec standing lat pull downs with blue bands
      Standing wall reach/extentions. W/towel. Trying to reach up the wall with my hand on the towel. 1 set 20 reps
      Side: Cannot do these. My arm cannot turn to the side with my hand up(like when you wave to someone).

      Cryo ice therapy for the shoulder 15 minutes. Done

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

    14. #59
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      Default Re: Just had my surgery

      This is very different than having what i call normal rotator cuff or labrum surgery.

      Put both your hands up in front of you. Like your gonna smack hands with someone or play patty cake.

      With your palms facing outward i can rotate the left hand/arm to the left side of my body.

      Cant do that at all on the right side. I Can move my right hand/arm to the right about 3-4"from patty cake position un front of my body... 3-4" inches.... Wtf. There is no rotating to the side at all.. This is the first time trying these today.. This sucks and is very painful. Its like there is no longer a socket for the arm to rotate freely in. Like there is a block wall on the right side of my body against my upper arm, and shoulder.

      I hope this new bicep tendon placement isnt the cause. If so, i hope this will not be a problem now. This is the Beginning of 5 weeks into therapy.

      To be accurate today is the 13th therapy visit

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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      Just had my surgery
      As promised. Labwork results. As you can see they dont look to good... But explain a lot. Trt coming.

      mace15 for 15% off!-Straightupkratom

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