First "real" cycle, looks like this:

Week 1 - 4: 30mg/day DBol
Week 1 - 10: 500mg/week Sust
Nolva on hand, Clomid to follow three weeks after last shot, 300, 100, 50.

I've "dabbled" with sust before at really low dosages, and no post cycle, that's why I say this is my first "real" cycle.

Anyway, I just finished week 5. Gains so far are only from the DBol which was about 7 lbs. My training is good, diet is about 4500 - 5000 calories/day. No gains from the Sust yet. I know it usually kicks in around week 4 - 6, but I'm starting to get a little paranoid. What little progress I made before with Sust, I started to notice around week 4, 5 latest. I dunno I'm sure it's all mental, and I will start seeing some nice gains from the Sust this week or so.....guess I just needed all of your responses to this thread to keep my spirits up