So I'm finishing my work out and I go use the ab machine. Its a laying down bench type machine. Well the machine was dirty because the person who used it before me was sweaty and didnt wipe it down after he used it. So I go get the spray bottle they have for machines and a paper towel and I spray the machine and I guess the spray accidently got on this 50yr man next to me.Well he stands up and I look at him and before I can say sorry this guy goes to me you sprayed me in the eyes.I said sorry but this old guy kept going on and on and I started to get mad because I already said sorry. So he continues to keep steering at me while I'm cleaning the machine.So I knew right then this guy is a nut. So I put down the bottle and say to him do you have a problem,he then walked away and said go fuk your self.Well I didnt take that to lightly and started to walk towards himmand while I was walking towards him I said what did you say and he then said it again,go fuk your self. I then just wanted to bust his fuk'n head wide open but I didnt. I didnt want to get kicked out or get my membership revoked so I said to him your a dumb ass and told him to go get the manager. Well this 50yr bald skinny guy you can just tell he has a problem because I cant tell idiots and i'm sure the rest of you can also tell those type of people who are just stupid. Well the manager told me after he talked to him that he's a nut job. The moral to this story is and I tell my wife this all the time,People take for granted that nothing will happen to them even when there in a public place a store a gym anywhere. I could of busted this guys hole into the next world but I didnt,several reasons.I'm a husband and a father,I dont want trouble or get into trouble,I dont want to lose my membership and its not the right thing to do.Even though this nut job kept provoing me.I tell ya people have to be a little more nice because one day they will meet someone who will bust there hole wide open.Now granted I had to come home and vent to my wife to calm me down because I was so worked up. But she calmed me down.