I got my arse kicked this year... I have a ton of write-off's (which I do need).. but ****... I am getting killed.. I lost over $25,000 in the last 8 months... OK.. that is what I lost from my intial investments... If I take into consideration what I could have made before these stocks dropped is more like $50-60G...
If I would have sold when I KNEW I should have... That money would have gone into a Mutual fund and hence worked its way onto more money... But Nooooo.... Not me... Bone head.. Bone head....

I am so pissed at what our stock market and the American dollar has become.. For ***s sake... Canada's Looney is worth the same as the US dollar.. A **** coin named like freaking CARtoonS!!!!!! WTF!!!!

Sorry... I'm having a bad night...