Just wanted to introduce myself ! Iam 35 yrs old got2 kids, single, and happy as hell! From the Northern Indiana area, pipefitter-welder-fabricater-engineer by trade.Been lifting since I was around 14 and was in strength training for wrestling&football than my wrestling coach felt sorry for me I guess because I had no father and seen that I had spent more time in the gym at school than anyone else and started lifting with me he was a old school bodybuilder competiter ,he was an absolute inspiration and he turned me on to arnold and serg and frank.. That school was mostly blacks and they where in gangs and such so I was in there world and was scared as hell. One day a guy named melvin watkins walked by me and purposely nudged me to pick a fight because he wanted to test the bodybuilder-wrestler-football player white boy, so I ran up behind him swooped him up off the ground and commenced to beating on him, what I didnt realize he was already out cold until my wresling coach grabbed me and put me in a choke hold and he was laying there doing nothing but sleeping.melvin happened to be the leader of the folk's[a gang!]I got on the bus to go home and i seen nothing but fists and feet and got the shi_ beat out of me but kept fighting back this went on for some time and my mom couldnt afford to put me another school until one day some was helping me fight back and he wasnt white either his name was andrea golson and he was a bad dude he would alwas beat me at everything in school he would walk around school with his sleaves rolled up and he had genetics with arms like 17 " and veins like Mc Donalds straws and we started training together went to Quads Gym in Cal City ill and nearly shi_ my pants when i seen those monsters! There was sillence one day when Ed Coan was squating in there he had the bar bent and there had to of been 8-9hundred on the bar now hes like over 1008 and ass touches! now I train at Golds in Merrillville Ind where some of the best are !!!! Believe me when we do shows together we usually win all weight classes and overall.We are all nationally ranked and 2 members of my gym and workout partners got 2nd in to big national shows the Jr Nationals and Nationals Mallisa Metsler@ Jrs and Abu Feliz@Nationals just resentlly almost taking out [Mr Im Natural Hose Raymond!]