looking for some advice from some vets about my first real cycle. I've taken pro-hormones and pro-steroids in the past, (boldione, 4ad, methyl-d, 3-alpha) and an oral cycle of winny (waste of time)and have been waiting patiently for a shoulder injury to heal for some time so i can run a real cycle.

With my shoulder back to full strength, it looks like i'm finally going to get my chance. Anyway, here are my stats/goals

I'm 6'2 198 lbs, 10%bf. I've got about 3 years of SERIOUS training under my belt, although i'd been dicking around in the gym for years before that.

My goal is to pack on SOLID, stable, and most importantly sustainable mass... I know that many new users opt for a straight test cycle of 8-12 weeks, but i am looking for slow steady, permanant gains. So here is what i am thinking. I will run test for 8 weeks to kick up some sold gains in strength and size, and let the EQ slowly pack on the quality that will last. Someone please correct me if i am about to make a mistake with this cycle!

Weeks 1-8
Sust 500mg wk

Weeks 1-12
EQ 400mg/wk
**(should this be once a week or a monday thirday split dosage)

Weeks 11-13 HCG 500iu ED
Weeks 12-15 Nolvadex 20mg Ed

This is where most of my confusion lies (with pct) Is HCG a IM injection like gear, or is it IV? Something else? I'm in the dark here someone help me out. Also, are these the right values, time frames to run HCG? What about Nolva?

As far as pins go... What guage do i need for Sust? How about EQ? HCG? Go easy on me... this will be my first cycle of injectibles. Thanks!
