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  • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
  • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
  • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
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  • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
  • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
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    Thread: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

    1. #1
      sofargone561's Avatar
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      Cool Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

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      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      Sometimes when planning our next cycle, we often hit a metal road block on what we want to do, what do we want to use, And if this is our first cycle, sometimes even the basics can be a bit hard to grasp. What is even worse is when your on your 5+ cycle and you want to try something new, something different. Well look no further, I have pre designed cycles, and have included down to the T how many of each you need to make it happen! Even if you don't run these cycles bellow, it will be a good building block for you to get started!

      Beginner Cycles

      The Beginner!
      This cycle incorporates standard first time practices, with no added frills, A great way to get your feet wet, and your blood raging!

      The Cycle
      1-10 Test E 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-15 Aromasin 12.5mg/EOD

      12-13 Clomid 75mg/ed
      14-15 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack
      __________________________________________________ ______________

      The Added Frill Beginner
      This cycle incorporates standard first time practices, with an added oral steroid, A great way to get your feet wet, and your blood raging!

      The Cycle
      1-10 Test E 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-4 Dbol 40mg/ed
      1-15 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      12-13 Clomid 75mg/ed
      14-15 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ _________________

      Lean Mass Beginner
      This cycle Incorporates a short ester test, and a quality oral. Perfect for gaining quality pounds, while shedding a couple %'s off your BF. Great for beginners

      The Cycle
      1-8 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
      2-8 Anavar 50mg/ed
      1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      9-10 Clomid 75mg/ed
      11-12 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Anavar 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 5 Packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ ______________________

      The Short Stack
      This cycle Incorporates a short ester test, and a quality oral. Perfect for gaining fast pounds of muscle, Great for beginners

      The Cycle
      1-8 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
      1-4 Dbol 40mg/ed
      1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      9-10 Clomid 75mg/ed
      11-12 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ _________________

      Intermediate Cycles

      The Wam Bam Thank You Mam!
      This cycle, incorporates two different quick acting injectables, and a mass boosting oral, This cycle will put quick gains on you, and give you a huge strength increase.

      The Cycle
      1-8 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
      1-8 Tren Ace 75mg/eod
      1-5 Dbol 50mg/ed
      1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      1-8 Cabergoline .5mg Twice Weekly

      9 Clomid 100mg/ed
      10-11 Clomid 75mg/ed
      12 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Tren Acetate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ ____________________

      The Slow and Steady
      This cycle, incorporates two different long acting injectables, and a kickstart & back end mass boosting oral, This cycle will put large gains on you, keep your joints feeling great, and give you some nice strength increases.

      The Cycle
      1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-10 Nandrolone Decanate 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-5 Dbol 50mg/ed
      8-12 Dbol 50mg/ed
      1-17 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      1-12 Cabergoline .5mg Twice Weekly

      14 - Clomid 100mg/ed
      15-16 Clomid 75mg/ed
      17 - Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 4 Vials
      Nandrolone Decanate 250mg/ml - 10ml vial x 2 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 7 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ ______________________

      The LBM Generator
      This cycle, incorporates two different long acting injectables, a kickstart & back end lean mass oral and hardening compoundsl, This cycle will put lean gains on you, keep your joints feeling great, and shred some body fat.

      The Cycle
      1-6 Test Enanthate 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-14 Equipoise 500mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      1-5 Tbol 50mg/ed
      7-15 Test Enanthate 750mg/wk ( Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs )
      9-15 Anavar 70mg/ed
      10-15 Winstrol 50mg/ed
      1-20 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      17 - Clomid 100mg/ed
      18-19 Clomid 75mg/ed
      20 - Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 4 Vials
      Equipoise 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3
      Tbol 10mg/Tab - 50 Tabs x 3
      Anavar 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 6 Packs
      Winstrol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 Packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack

      __________________________________________________ ____________________

      Joint and Tendon Cycle :
      every once in a while its a good idea to run a Joint and Tendon health cycle to help repair the damages you have encountered running higher doses of test, and other compounds.

      The Cycle

      1-17 Test E 250-300mg/wk
      1-16 EQ 500-600mg/wk
      1-17 Mod-Grf 100mcg 2 x per day
      1-17 GHRP-2 100mcg 2 x per day
      1-6 Anavar 50mg/ed
      1-17 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

      19 - Clomid 100mg/ed - 25mg Aromasin ED
      20-21 Clomid 75mg/ed - 12.5mg Aromasin ED
      22 - Clomid 50mg/ed - 12.5mg Aromasin EOD

      You can also add a back end Oral, like Anavar or even a low dose Dbol to the end. I chose EQ over deca for the fact that in order for this to be successful you need your test to be 300mg or less, anything more will cause collagen degeneration. EQ has been shown to increase collagen synthesis up to 320%. If you ran Deca higher than Test like above, you can pose the risk of issues.

      __________________________________________________ _______________________

      The Hulker Bulker
      The Hulker Bulker is a perfect cycle after you ran a basic Beginner cycle, This cycle has a higher amount of Test, for Longer, and a Kick start dbol with an ending dbol, Making for huge gains, and Will help you solidify the gains at the end!

      The Cycle
      1-12 Test Enanthate 750mg/wk
      1-5 Dbol 50mg/ed
      8-12 Dbol 50mg/ed

      14 Clomid 100mg/ed
      15-16 Clomid 75mg/ed
      17 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Get
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 4 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 7 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 pack
      __________________________________________________ _
      Advanced Cycles

      The Killa Zilla
      This cycle, is for the freaks and Highly Experience AAS User, This cycle was made by Ordawg1. Heed caution when using this cycle, this is for bad mofo's only!

      The Cycle
      1-4 Test Propionate 100mg/eod
      1-6 Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
      1-16 Test Suspension 100mg/ 2 hours before workout
      1-16 NPP 100mg/eod
      1-16 Masteron Propionate 100mg/eod
      1-16 Anavar 50mg/ed
      6-11 Test Enanthate 750mg/wk
      6-10 Anadrol 50mg/ed
      12-16 Test Enanthate 1200mg/wk
      12-16 Dbol 50mg/ed
      1-16 Aromasin 25mg/eod
      1-16 Cabergoline .5mg/ Twice Weekly

      Keep Nolva, and Letro on hand to nip out gyno issues

      By this time in your career if you doing this type of cycle, you should be cruising, so no PCT

      What You Need
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 5 Vials
      Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 7
      NPP 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 6 Vials
      Masteron Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 7
      Anavar 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 12 Packs
      Anadrol 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 Pack
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 Packs

      __________________________________________________ __________________________________

      The Repo Receptor Battle

      The Cycle
      1-14 Test Cypionate 400mg/wk
      1-14 Tren Enanthate 800mg/wk
      1-14 Anavar 60mg/ed
      1-14 Proviron 50mg/ed
      6-14 Dbol 30mg/ed
      1-14Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      If you are advanced I would be cruising

      What You Need
      Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3
      Tren Enanthate 200mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 6 Vials
      Anavar 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 12 Packs
      Proviron 25mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 4 Packs
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 4 Packs

      __________________________________________________ ______________________________________

      The D-Latsky Recomp Killa
      Week 1-6 bulk on lowered cal diet, Nice re comp with good strength and definition.

      The Cycle

      1-6 Sustanon250/eod
      1-6 Nadrolone Decanate 400mg/wk
      1-4 dbol 30mg a day
      6-12 Tren Ace 150mg/eod
      6-12 Test prop 100 mg/eod
      6-12 Winstrol 50mg/ed

      13 - Clomid 100mg/ed
      14-15 Clomid 75mg/ed
      16 Clomid 50mg/ed

      What You Need
      Sustanon 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Nandrolone Decanate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 2 Packs
      Tren Acetate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 4 Vials
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Winstrol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 5 Packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 Pack
      __________________________________________________ __________________________________
      The Pitbull Cycle
      The Pitbull cycle is as mean as a Pitbull, and will get you as jacked as OD, it combines some of the most powerful orals, with some of the best mass boosting injectables.

      The Cycle
      1-14Test C 600mg/WK
      1-12 Deca 400mg/WK
      1-4 Anadrol 100mg/ED
      1-4 Test Suspension 50 mg ED 2 hours before workout
      9-15 Dbol 40mg/ED
      1-19 Aromasin 12.5 mg/ EOD
      1-12 Cabergoline .5mg/Twice Weekly

      16 100mg Clomid ED
      17 100mg Clomid ED
      18 75mg Clomid ED
      19 50mg Clomid ED

      What You Need
      Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 5 Vials
      Nandrolone Decanate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 3 Vials
      Anadrol 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 2 Packs
      Testosterone Suspension 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Dbol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 3 packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 Pack

      The Billy "The Kid" RIPPER
      This cycle Boasts some serious power, with some relatively mild compounds, Making it fairly safe, LONG and beneficial, it will keep your joins lubricated, and give you some insane vascularity, and Muscle Fullness - Great Cycle

      The Cycle
      1-4 Test Prop 100mg/eod
      1-6 Test E 500mg/wk
      1-15 EQ 750mg/wk
      1-13 Masteron 100mg/eod
      1-6 Winstrol 50mg/ed
      7-16 Test Enanthate 750mg/wk
      8-17 Anavar 50mg/ed
      1-17 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      1-16 Proviron 50mg/ed

      16 100mg Clomid ED & Aromasin 25mg/ed
      17 100mg Clomid ED & Aromasin 25mg/ed
      18 75mg Clomid ED & Aromasin 12.5mg/ed
      19 50mg Clomid ED & Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      What You Need
      Test Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 2 Vials
      Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 4 Vials
      Equipoise 250mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 5 Vials
      Masteron Propionate 100mg/ml - 10ml Vial x 5 Vials
      Winstrol 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 5 Packs
      Anavar 10mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 7 Packs
      Proviron 25mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 5 Packs
      Clomid 50mg Tabs - 50 Tabs x 1 Pack

      __________________________________________________ ________________

      OldSchoolLifter's Peptide-Anabolic Assault!
      This Cycle, Is amazing, Watch your body change before your eyes, your will feel harder, your tendons will feel great, and your will shred some serious body fat, all the while gaining some solid muslce mass.

      The Cycle:

      1-13 Ghrp-2, 100mcg – SubQ Morning Upon Wake, Post Workout, Pre Bed
      1-13 Mod-Grf(1-29) 100mcg SubQ Morning Upon Wake, Post Workout, Pre Bed
      3-13 Test Prop 150mg/eod
      3-13 Tren Ace 100mg/eod
      3-13 Anavar 50mg/ed
      1-13 - Clen 120mcg 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off Protocol.
      3-13 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
      3-13 Cabergoline .5mg Twice Weekly

      14 100mg Clomid ED / Aromasin 25mg/ed
      15 100mg Clomid ED / Aromasin 25mg/ed
      16 75mg Clomid ED / Aromasin 12.5mg/ed
      17 50mg Clomid ED / Aromasin 12.5mg/eod

      What You Need:

      6 x Testosterone Propionate 100mg/ml 10ml Vial
      4 x Tren Acetate 100mg/ml 10ml Vial
      30mg Mod-Grf(1-29)
      30mg GHRP-2
      7 x Anavar 10mg/Tab x 50 Tabs per pack
      1 x Clomid 50mg/Tab x 50 Tabs per pack

      __________________________________________________ _________

      OldSchoolLifter's October Bulker!
      This cycle is designed to put on mass in quick fashion while, maintaining good joint and tendon health, all the while blowing the **** up, and keeping fat at bay! Not for the weak, but the rewards are worth it - Experienced Users ONLY!

      The Cycle

      1-12 Test Prop 75mg/ed
      1-8 NPP 50mg/ed
      1-12 Anavar 50mg/ed
      1-5 Anadrol 50mg/ed
      9-12 Tren Ace 100mg/ed
      8-12 Dbol 40mg/ed
      1-12 Proviron 25-50mg/ed
      1-12 Insulin 6iu Post Workout ( 3x per week for me )
      1-?? HGH 6iu/ed Split - 3iu Morning & 3iu Post Workout
      1-?? 100mcg Mod Grf(1-29) 3x daily - (Morning - PWO - Pre Bed )
      1-?? 100mcg GHRP-2 - 3x daily - (Morning - PWO - Pre Bed )

      No PCT! Cruise at 300-400mg Test Weekly, along HGH and Peptides.

      __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

      GMO's Fall/Winter BULKER!!
      This is an EXTREMELY ADVANCED CYCLE and not for novices. I have been training for 21 years and using AAS for 10. This cycle has one thing in mind, gain some serious mass, all the while staying relatively lean!
      The Cycle

      Wk 1-12 Test E 500mg/wk
      Wk 1-5 EQ 600mg/wk
      Wk 1-3 Test Base 50-100mg PreWO
      Wk 1-5 Anadrol 100mg ED
      Wk 1-11 NPP 450mg/wk
      Wk 1-21 Proviron 50mg ED
      Wk 6-11 EQ 800mg/wk
      Wk 7-12 TNE 50-100mg PreWO
      Wk 8-12 Dbol 50mg ED
      Wk 12-15 EQ 1000mg/wk
      Wk 13-21 Test E 250mg/wk
      Wk 13-21 Tren A 50-75mg ED
      Wk 14-21 Anavar 100mg ED
      Wk 15-19 EQ 1200mg/wk
      Wk 1-21 Cabergoline 0.5mg x2/wk
      Wk 1-21 Aromasin 25mg ED
      Wk 1-21 HCG 500iu x2/wk
      Wk 22-23 HCG 1000iu eod
      Running GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 100mcg x3/day indefinitely

      Clomid 100/100/75/50/50/50
      Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5/12.5eod/12.5eod
      GHRP-6 and CJC-1295 100mcg x3/wk
      Slin 10iu PostWO
      3g Vit C


      The Blitzkrieg

      This cycle is FAST! it will put some serious mass and strength on you in a short period, Eat hard, train harder, and dedicate your self to this completely, and you will see that quick bump and run;s can also be fun as hell.

      1-5 Test Base 100mg/ed
      1-5 Anadrol 75-100mg/ed
      1-5 Dbol 30mg/ed
      1-5 NPP 100mg/eod
      1-6 Aromasin 25mg/ed

      After 5 weeks, I would cruise on prop or test e, and then 5 weeks later repeat! If you choose to cruiseo n test E start 250mg/one per week from the start of the cycle that way its working when your ready to cruise,
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    2. #2
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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      This was put together by a great guy i considered him family idk what happened 2 him we lost contact
      Wk 1-12 Test Suspension/TNE 100mg ed pre- workout
      Wk 1-7 Test E 1000mg/wk
      Wk 1-5 Anadrol 50-100mg ed
      Wk 1-10 Deca 600-750mg/wk
      Wk 7-12 D-bol 50mg ed
      Wk 4-12 Anavar 80-100mg/wk ed
      Wk 8-12 Test E 1200-1250mg/wk
      Wk 1-7 Adex 0.5mg eod
      Wk 8-12 Adex 1mg eod
      Wk 1-12 Proviron 50mg
      Wk 1-12 HCG 500iu x2/week
      Wk 1-12 Caber (if needed for prolactin gyno from the Deca) .5mg 2-3x wk
      Wk 7-12 Winny (Injectable, SYD Group preferably, or oral Winny) 100mg ed
      Wk 1-12 Metfor/Dimefor 1250mg ED
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      Theres a crazy intense one that was put together for a buddy of mine who competes but i promised him i would never show anyone so i cant post it up guys sorry. =/
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      Great read brother.Thanks for the addition

      Keep up the great work.

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      nice cycles bro!

    6. #6
      sofargone561's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      thanks brother!
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      NIce wish i would have had this years ago lots of wasted time and money!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      Looks great, just curious on the clomid for PCT? I've never tried clomid but hear the sides are nasty. Toremifene gets the job done with way less sides and is good for lipid profile. Torem has worked well for me, opinions on this?

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      sofargone561's Avatar
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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      Ive never used torem. Im kind of old fashioned i guess i get most of my cycles from older guys. I have heard torem is better but ive never given it a shit. Clomid is iffy man sometimes the sides are total shit. My buddy cant even run clomid the sides are so bad for him lol. Ill have to look into torem though your not the first person saying its a better option. But hey if its working for you dont stop now you know?
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      Exactly. True story-A guy I lift with lost his job partly because of clomid. He did his first PCT with it and became "weepy" as he describes it, He was an emotional wreck and couldn't function at work, so they let him go. There are probably other details of the story he didn't share, but he swears he will never touch clomid again, he uses nolva now...

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      Yeah some people cannot handle it at all. If you react bad you need to lower the dose. Most research chems and shit peole get not are total shit or bunk anyway. my last 2 cycles i have bunk clomid i crashed hard. it sucked
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Veritas Vos Liberabit

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      I could have sworn i posted up the creds to this but i guess maybe i didnt on here. The first post credit goes to our very own OldSchoolLifter.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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      Default Re: Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      I have never seen this before and God do I love it! Amazing post, great cycles listed here...I incorporate alot of the methods here, especially the peptides

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      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie

      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      • Need Cycle Layout Help? Not sure What to Run? Lookie Lookie
      Nice cycle's here. I can't take all that test though without looking like a water balloon!

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