If I do not eat every 2-3 hours, I get very very moody and cranky, and cannot think very well. I used to just think that my body craved protein, so I will usually just slam a protein shake and eat some food. Well, last night I was wondering if this was, in fact, a symtom of low blood sugars, and I ate a bite of a candy bar just to test my theory. OOOOOOOOOO sweet sweet delicious candy bar!!!! I tasted very good, and it made me feel so much better!!! Man, it was great! Better than slamming any protein shake!!!!

BTW, I am 27, so I do not think that I am going to be diabetic, since I probably would've started to have more serious problems by now.

So, my question is, what would be the implications of my health if I were ever to consider taking slin for enhanced muscle growth? Would there be anything special that I would need to keep in mind, other than keeping my blood monitored?