First of all, Hello to all of you over hear at FG!
I made 2 homebrews of Enan from china labs. The Inj. resulted in major swelling and pain the day after and almost complete immobilization afterwards. I tried making it twice. The 2nd batch resulted in the same for both me and my bro. I am thinking it is either A) contaiminated with impurities. or B is the result of using close to 50% BB. I used only 3% BA and a 50/50 mix of BB and sesame oil. Sterilzed it by the book. The amount of swelling I got in my quad after a 1.5ml Inj. makes me think its impurities b/c that is about .5ml BB when u calc the oil and volume of the test powder.

What are your guesses? Do you know anything about High BB concentration, or How i could test for impurites?

Anything that you can contribute is welcome. I hope I can help You bros in the future as well.
