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    Thread: my new cycle

    1. #1
      skeer126's Avatar
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      finally after 6 months off i am letting myself go back on for another 6 months roughly......this is what its gonna look like with a few minor adjustments ultimatly...but this is the basic outline...i like high doses so it might seem extreme to some but it werks well for me...

      week1-3 dbol or anadrol @50 mg's a day
      week 1-8 tren enanthate@500 mg's/week
      week1-8 test enanthate@1200-1500 mg's/week
      week 1-throughout eq@800 mg's a week
      week 1- throughout gh starting at 2iu'sfor first few weeks...gonna werk up to 4-6 depending on how i react
      igf- will start and run three weeks every month and a half

      also will be running aromasin 25 mg's eod
      after week 10 of test enathate i will switch to cyp for another 8 weeks and then ultimatly switch back...feel like it will keep my body guessing cuz of the one carbon missing(try to trick my body)

      i also have some masteron...never used it before but i wanna throw it in begining for 5 weeks and the end for 5 weeks

      i will also throw winny in twoards june...i will be starting within the next week or 2
      i was also wondering, can i start my gh now and then my juice in about 2 weeks..doesnt really matter does it?

      this cycle is open for critiqing and suggestions...
      i also heard running drol with gh is benficial so should that be one reason to choose drol over dbol?

    2. #2
      mick-G's Avatar
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      I don't understand what your saying in comparison to what you have outlined. You have 500mg test e for 1-8, then you outline 1-8 test e 1200-1500mg/wk? Then you have 1-3wks dbols or drol@ 50mg ed. Imo, that is not enough time for good results. You need to do at least 5 wks of either one. Also, how long are you going to run the eq, cause 8wk isn't enough and imo 800mg/wk is overkill. 600mg/wk of eq is max. I will also say doing aroma 25mg ed may hamper gains as it is much stronger than ldex. I would go for 12.5 mg eod or ed. Start off at 12.5 eod and if you start to have prob then up dosage to ed. Unless you are prone to gyno if you keep test at 500mg/wk and eq at 600mg there really isn't even a need for it. I just got done with drol 75mg ed for 6 wks with sust and deca and i haven't even used an anti-e.

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      Default Re: my new cycle

      u read most of my post wrong.....the 500 mg's weeks 1-8 is TREN...not test....im gonna run it for 8 weeks give my liver a break and then hop back on somewhere down the road.....the dbol or drol..i havnt decided which one but that is just to jumpstart my cycle....i dont wanna be on drol,tren,test,eq,all at the same time b/c of my liver..so by the time the tren and test is is my system the drol will be out....and ive ran both drugs before and i found there isnt really a minumum to stay on for 5 weeks with either oral....also eq dose is just right for me...alot of people wont go over 600 mg's of deca b/c the sides outweigh the effects and some say it stops werking...but ive known many people to go above 800 mg's of eq....and also i wrote aroma EOD at 25 mg's...not everyday...and that werked well for me last time i was on over a gram of test a week as should it be for most people who go over a gram

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      Default Re: my new cycle

      o and also i wrote the after 10 weeks of test i will switch up coumpounds to cyp but i nmy outline i put 1-8 weeks....its gonna be either 8 or 10 weeks ill switch coumpounds...ive always done that but i read mikeys post about the one carbon missing and included that in my post

    5. #5
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      Run d-rol for 5 weeks and run the tren for 10 since it's a long ester.
      Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups

    6. #6
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      Quote Originally Posted by skeer126

      week1-3 dbol or anadrol @50 mg's a day
      week 1-8 tren enanthate@500 mg's/week
      week1-8 test enanthate@1200-1500 mg's/week
      week 1-throughout eq@800 mg's a week
      week 1- throughout gh starting at 2iu'sfor first few weeks...gonna werk up to 4-6 depending on how i react
      igf- will start and run three weeks every month and a half
      how about
      week 1-5 dbol ed @ 50mg or drol ed @ 75mg weekends off
      week 1-8 tren @500mg
      week 1-24 test @ 750mg only reason saying 750mg cause don't know your cycle history
      week 1-24 eq @ 400mg
      week 1-24 gh @ 4 iu's ed weekends off
      week 10-14 igf
      week 9-14 the dbol or the drol again it will help with the igf

      just my opinion ....the doses seemed really high to me
      you should also include hcg and maybe run through out just to keep your boys in check and to avoid crashing hard when coming off such a big cycle
      Don't worry about life, you're not going to survive it anyway.

    7. #7
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      [quote=snickers1]how about
      week 1-5 dbol ed @ 50mg or drol ed @ 75mg weekends off
      week 1-8 tren @500mg
      week 1-24 test @ 750mg only reason saying 750mg cause don't know your cycle history
      week 1-24 eq @ 400mg
      week 1-24 gh @ 4 iu's ed weekends off
      week 10-14 igf
      week 9-14 the dbol or the drol again it will help with the igf

      just my opinion ....the doses seemed really high to me
      you should also include hcg and maybe run through out just to keep your boys in check and to avoid crashing hard when coming off such a big cycle[/quote
      seems alittle bit cleaner...but i gotta keep the doses the way i had it......this is my 5th cyclei think...the last 3 ive been on 4-6 months each...with about 4 months off in between but my last one i ended 6months ago....i was up to 1200 mg 's test and imreally psyched to try the gh b/c i wanna try and split some ot thosemuscle cells...also in between this cycle ive ran igf twice so hopefully there are new muscle cells the have developed and i can blow themuo now kinda like my first cycle...well see tho

    8. #8
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      neone have ne other opinions..thinking of throwing in low doses of t3 ..ne suggestions are tottaly open...i feel pretty good about my plan and just wanna bump this one more time...but i am open to neone who has ne other suggestions...maybe some vets and people with alot of cycles under thier belts...bigmikey or rado, neone?

    9. #9
      Phreak's Avatar
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      that's too much gear. there are state champions who take less, probably even guys at the national level. i know of a pro who is 320 lbs (with abs) who takes no more than 1500mg/wk.

      i got to 280 pounds with no more than 1000mg/wk.

      3 grams a week at your level of development is a mistake. what are you going to do when you get to 220? go up to 5 grams a week?

      do you plan on competing? if so, that is still too much gear at this stage. you don't need that much to grow. and if you don't plan on competing then i really think you are making a mistake here.

      in the end i know you are going to do what you want, but you should really consider your goals and health.

      that's just too much gear.

      and T3? how about sorting your diet out.

      Last edited by Phreak; 02-16-2006 at 08:31 AM.
      so fresh and so clean clean

    10. #10
      a-bomb83's Avatar
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      6 compounds, huh? i don't think so. no more than 3....MAYBE 4.

    11. #11
      skeer126's Avatar
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      Quote Originally Posted by nishnish
      that's too much gear. there are state champions who take less, probably even guys at the national level. i know of a pro who is 320 lbs (with abs) who takes no more than 1500mg/wk.

      i got to 280 pounds with no more than 1000mg/wk.

      3 grams a week at your level of development is a mistake. what are you going to do when you get to 220? go up to 5 grams a week?

      do you plan on competing? if so, that is still too much gear at this stage. you don't need that much to grow. and if you don't plan on competing then i really think you are making a mistake here.

      in the end i know you are going to do what you want, but you should really consider your goals and health.

      that's just too much gear.

      and T3? how about sorting your diet out.

      definatly appreciate the concern and looking out....i will be competing soon...gonna see how i look after this cycle..trying to get everything in proportion and gonna take a step back and see how it panned out...i probly could lower the doses but i feel that everything is pretty mediocre except maybe the test...tren at 500 mg's is reasonable and the eq is pretty reasonable along with the dbol...imo at least...its just that the i respond better at higher doses..i wouldnt do it if i didnt ya know?

    12. #12
      SMILEY FACE's Avatar
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      ...I MIGHT BE SMALLER THAN U, I DUNNO, BUT I STICK MY TEST BETWEEN 1000-1250 MAX.......ur palnning to compete wt that cycle is way off

    13. #13
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      Default Re: my new cycle


      eq will hit u at least on week 5-7

    14. #14
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      Default Re: my new cycle

      Quote Originally Posted by skeer126
      week1-3 dbol or anadrol @50 mg's a day
      week 1-8 tren enanthate@500 mg's/week
      week1-8 test enanthate@1200-1500 mg's/week
      week 1-throughout eq@800 mg's a week
      week 1- throughout gh starting at 2iu'sfor first few weeks...gonna werk up to 4-6 depending on how i react
      igf- will start and run three weeks every month and a half
      ok bro listen to me: with those gears ^, u don't have the gears to get u ripped and well defined for a show..but gonna suggest if u want to compete, u need , winny, t3, clen..
      i'am gonna work with what u have...for 24 weeks....

      week1 to week 24:1000mg of (test 500mg cyp+500mg enan)

      week 1 to week 24: eq at 600mg......800 is too much for u

      gh week 1 to week 24: 4 ius and weekend off(no salt sodium or dairy produts, gh, will make u puffy if u are eating bad)

      week 1 to week 5: 50 mg of anadrol and weekendoff
      week 2 to week 4: 60mcg of igf1 (ig1 need heavy anadrogen like anadrol)

      week 16 to week 24: tren
      week 20 to week 24: igf1 as well....

      but for a show ,from what i'am seeing from ur pics:
      u need test, eq, tren, winny, t3, clen, gh, igf1, but U DO NOT TAKE EM ALL THE SAME TIME...ITS LIKE THE DEATH SENTENCE

    15. #15
      skeer126's Avatar
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      haha appreciate it mikey but i said i didnt mean i was gonna compete on this cycle...im gonna do this cycle and try and add more mass before i even think of competeing...im pretty sure after this cycle i will have the mass to plan out a nice cycle to preserve my gains and then rip up.....sorry for the confusion....

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