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    Thread: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

    1. #31
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

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    2. #32
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      i heard night time injections before bed are what really could give u hypoglycemia because it will put your pituitary under supression at a time when it breaths and produces its own cause thats the schedual its used to.. GH only stays in the body for about 4-4and a half hours after injected sub-q lnto the abdomen and inner thigh and 36 minutes intravenusly hence for the 2plit up of injections into 2 shots so therefor dont take it about 5 hours before bed for maxium benefit and letting your body breath ... 5/2 split is a nice way to let your body breath also... and sven wheres my rep points this is my post after all and u too mikey hook a broham up = )

    3. #33
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!


      Well, when I did my research, actually reading several books on the subject by doctors who were leaders in the field, and yes "heard" lot's of stuff, had to ask myself the question, why did Serono, who spent a billion on research reccommend night time injections. Did all the phd's and research folks who had to get fda approval just miss this one?

      Pituitary suppression?

      Interesting thing about the pituitary that the big time scientists are scratching there heads on is that for some reason over time as we age, the pituitary stops giving out growht signals, yet, is 100% still able to give out growth signals when induced to. Meaning, the pituitary doesn't seem to age or rust out, it just for some reason they have not been able to identify slows down the signal it gives.

      Thus, that's why gh is somewhat termed miracle drug, cause if ya give the pituitary a kick in the pants it goes.

      From what I found in my research GH is similar to test in how it reacts. Meaning sythetic test shuts down our own test, and synthetic gh, takes over for our own pituitary, so the "talk" of your own endogenous gh release could never get my arms around.

      And again, I tried all timing strategies, and got blood work done to verify it.

    4. #34
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      When you utilize HGH for the purpose of bodybuilding, fitness, or anti-aging, you need to be careful about drawing the wrong conclusions when reading the product information that comes with some HGH (i.e. Serano). Serano makes two flavors of HGH - the one, Serostim, is for AIDS patients to prevent wasting. The other, Saizen, is primarily for children with insuficient growth.

      To make a blanket statement that because the research docs (of which I am one) said to take HGH at night if you have a hormone disorder or disease affecting either the pituitary or a wasting disease that makes timing a non-issue, is not valid reasoning with respect to the healthy people using HGH for a totally different goal.

      Since HGH is used and only FDA sanctioned for use in those with growth deficiencies and in patients with wasting diseases only, the information on use for maintaining health are somewhat sparce, though not completely absent. A few studies have suggested that the suppression of exogenous HGH is relatively short in nature (~4 hours - Lanzi R, Tannenbaum GS. Journal of Endocrinology). Due to the pulsatile fashion of secretion, generally following a circadian rhythm, this makes sense. Taking HGH does NOT shut down your pituitary as high levels of test shut down your testicles based on the best information we have. Taking it at the wrong times (ie - at bedtime if you have normal pituitary function) WILL knock out you natural big pulse for the day ... but likely not your smaller pulses that occur at other points of the day.

      When you inject or secrete HGH, a series of hormonal events occurs ... the end result being a negative feedback loop, natures own checks and balances to keep you from routinely producing too much HGH. I think someone brought my HGH guide over here already, but in part of it, I describe the series of events - somewhat like this -

      HGH secretion is stimulated by Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH) which is produced by the hypothalamus. HGH, and IGF-1 create a negative feedback loop, meaning when their levels are high, it blunts release of GHRH, which in turn blunts the release of more HGH.

      Somatostatin (SS), secreted by the hypothalamus as well as other tissues inhibits the secretion of HGH Somatostatin in response to GHRH and to other stimulatory factors such as low blood glucose concentration. High levels of IGF-1 also stimulate Somatostatin secretion.

      Ghrelin is a peptide hormone secreted from the stomach. Ghrelin binds to receptors on somatotrophs and potently stimulates secretion of growth hormone. Ghrelin, as the stimulator for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor, potently stimulates secretion of growth hormone. The ghrelin signal is integrated with that of growth hormone releasing hormone and somatostatin to control the timing and magnitude of growth hormone secretion.

      Your body produces more than one pulse of HGH on many days ... up to 4-7. The reason you here the most talk about the night-time secretion that occurs ~ 2 hours after you fall asleep is that the conditions are favorable for a huge release. You can also spark an equally impressive release of HGH by doing high intensity, short duration exercise.

      It is true enough that the pituitary doesn't lose the ability to produce HGH as we age, but the triggers fail as we age. We lose the ability to sleep as deeply as we age, and many of the other processes we take for granted when young slip away ... end result is we produce less of many hormones, and the ones that remain constant don't impress our available receptors as much as they once did.

      Again, I would caution when you begin to read about any drug, hormone, or other substance .... consider its medical use! The instructions for that substance are geared for the primary blessed audience ... not for a bodybuilder, athlete, or completely healthy adult wishing to prolong his life.

    5. #35
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      Thanks RedBaron,

      Excellent post as always.

      And, agree finding factual information for using the drug for other purposes was very limited.

      My doc was one of the leading experts on anti-aging, and after several months got a feeling even his real world knowledge was limited at times.

      thanks again

    6. #36
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      That is somewhat the problem that even doctors in the field face. Since our whole culture is really based on "reactive" medicine - we only treat you if you are feeling sick or something is wrong with you ... it really puts taking a healthy person and making them all they can be and extending their life as close to the 120 or so years that we are design to run a real challenge.

      The anti-aging docs are at least beginning to get some general ideas of what types of things seem to work, but they are bound by the laws that limit their experimentation and protocols. It would be really great if we had a system that was interested in eliminating sickness and disease instead of one using a band-aid fix on the problem.

      If you were under the care of an anti-aging doc, it is entirely possible that he would feel that night-time injections were appropriate. The fact he would treat you would assume that - you are past your mid 30's, that your endogenous HGH levels were low/non-existant, and that a protocol of HGH and/or Test, DHEA, prenenalone, and melatonin were called for to restore a youthful hormone protocol.

      His advice on night-time injections would be from the reasoning that you have no natural HGH levels to worry about, your biggest natural secretion would occur 2 hours after falling to sleep (if you had any natural HGH), therefore the best course of action would be a couple if IU's of HGH at night. For older people with non-existant HGH levels, that is a pretty sound course of action. For those in their 30-40's with good or above average endogenous levels of HGH though, you would be robbing yourself of some free HGH (your own), and would potentially be upsetting the natural triggers over a long cycle (if over 4-6 months or so in length). The thing is with the anti-aging crowd is that isn't their target audience. Unfortunately for us, a legitimate anti-aging doctor can't treat an aspiring bodybuilder and instruct them in how to use HGH for our purposes without jeapordizing his license to practice medicine.

      It really is a shame ... I think we have the potential and the technology to be healthier, stronger, faster, and even to live longer if the powers that be (that don't understand jack-doodly about the body and its processes) would just get out of the way and let us intelligently treat people to excel in all aspects of health. Instead now they are interested in only letting us drag you along by a thread .... save your life, but not much else. It's a crying shame really.

    7. #37
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      i think RB's title should say soemthing to the effect of GH/slin/igf guru, not FG newbie,lol.

    8. #38
      trip's Avatar
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      Default Re: Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

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      • Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!
      • Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!
      • Up'd my HGH dosage to 3iu's every day 5/2 split!

      Based on all I read I would agree.

      I was actually in an FDA study, my gh levels based on an arginine drip process were 150 and we got them up to 320 and then they pulled back to 280.

      I finally stopped because I was so freaking tired, and he didn't know why, arghhhhh.

      The gh was free, yet, all the testing I paid for, so it was a decent swap, got monthly blood work etc.

      And yup, my goal has always been to live to a 100, now though with what I know, and where medicine will probably go, i'm hoping for at least 110, first things first though, gotta get to 100, lol

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