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    Thread: planning a new one

    1. #31
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      Mick, then from the sounds of it why would badasz even use gear at all if hes only 22, and shoudlnt go on. I never recommend continous cycles. i just stated the fact that the longer you stay on the more you will keep. Did I say it was healthy for you ?no, i didn't. I also stated the dosages are ok and he would get better results at higher dosages. Did i say that was healthy and a good idea for newbies? No. Do you get more results at higher dosages? yes.. Do you get more sides? Yes... Im not blowing any smoke up ne ones ass, im just telling the truth and if hes only 22 and can't handle doing the amount of gear and the timing then why the hell even go on? I dont think it's healthy but a death sentence? Not really... Not with proper medical attention.

      If it wer up to me i would have most of the boards train naturally as they arent ready yet, but then again i guess i would be blowing smoke up their asses telling them they dont lift enough or havent paid their dues to do gear yet. Im probably 1 out of 10 people who actualy mann-ed up and admitted it myself

    2. #32
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Quote Originally Posted by Skarhead
      Longer the cycles the better, imo
      Quote Originally Posted by skarhead

      Well.. the longer you stay on the more gains you will keep because the more time your body has time to stay accustomed to the gains. No and I dont really belive into the receptor hype if it were true I dont think people would stay on year round... but thats just me. let me see if i can grab an article sven posted on receptor down regulation. I think it'll help clear this debate up
      Quote Originally Posted by skarhead
      a lot of people stay on year round.. go to a board where a gram of T is considered low. I didnt say go around for 6 months to a year and than not take a break either. the longer the better and thats a fact, more gear usually (with more side) gets more gains as well.. I am not advocating it to anybody and but thast the truth. I would get bloodwork done throughout to make sure youre ok...
      Skar, there is no "fact" in what you are saying, and if you read my post below, i said you need to clarify your comments. Its not particularly what you are saying, but what you aren't saying that bothers me, and some newbies will think that the longer they stay on and more gear they use the better and that is simply not true. Badasz is wanting to know about this particular cycle and you are prepetualting the notion that yr round cycles and more gear is better. Is it better for him? "no" but yet your statement "I also stated the dosages are ok and he would get better results at higher dosages" then my god, what show he be doing perhaps 500mg of tren e for 25wks and 1 gram of test??, lol!. This is just in total disreguard to this bros health and well being, especially at his age. Please don't make blanket statements without reguards for other ppls welfare, as it will only confuse and prehaps bring them to decisions and conclusions that could jepardize they health down the road. Oh, and Skar...Im not going to go back and forth with you on this.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-g
      Skar, you really have to clarify yourself when you make comments, because some ppl that are newbies might take your comments seriously. Just because you are on a continious cycle doesn't mean you will have more gains than someone that doesn't. Anyone that does full cycles year round is going to be looking at problems health wise down the road, especially if they don't take the proper time off. You all are making comments and you don't realize Badasz is only 22yrs old. IMO, he needs to take some time off and wait a few years at least before doing this type of cycle or any cycle for that matter. He also needs to be thinking of his future with conception if he wants to have children later in life. Some of you bros im tired of hearing you blowing smoke up ppls asses when you don't know what the hell your talking about.
      Last edited by mick-G; 08-31-2005 at 07:52 PM.

    3. #33
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Mick... I see what you're saying

      Well, i propose a sticky to newbies since thre really is no clarification on what newbies should do when it comes to AAS. All they are gonna read is the profiles and other people's cycles. They are gonna read Svens doses, and big mike's doses, etc... So someone should write, they should have eat least 4-5 years of training (training the RIGHT way)... gained a substancial amount of weight, be at a certain BF, and be hitting big numbers on their big 3s, etc..

      BUT, i was assuming that badasz is a MOD and he knows the sides , risks, and how AAS effects him (i also drew this conclusion under the fact this wasnt his first cycle)

      and to be honest 1 g test .5g tren isnt really that big of a cycle at all... I doubt that would do much to big mike or sven, or any other big dude..

      Bad, do what you wanna do, but you know the facts bro,

      now heres the real advice: 90% of the board should probably go natty, not big or strong enough

    4. #34
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Actually Skar, i know many very developed and very big bros in there mid-30s and 40's that do very well on 400-600mg of testosterone and are still developing their bodies on medium dosages of aas. Of course, some ppl assume just because you do more means you will get and keep more of your gains, and this is just not so. If you are natty Skar, you will know most of the actual kept gain is due to the decipline in how you train, diet and sleep. If these variables are not in check then anything you do with aas will be useless. Of course there are other techniques used to sustain optimal mass post cycle, which includes of course pct and combinations of supplementation during it. Prob with the ppl that are taking the large amount of aas is that not only their receptors, but their chemical makeup has become changed, which makes their bodies dependant on these larger dosages, so for them taking 500-600mg will have little effect. This is why, if you are getting desired results off the minimum dosage, it is not necessary to up the dosage to get the desired results. Not only is this the best way to acheive your potential using aas, but the safest way. You are right, Badasz can and will do as he wishes, but let it be a decision based on ppl giving him sound advice, so he can make an informed decision. At least even if he makes a decision that is not correct for him and his age, it will not be on anyone concious but his own. Oh, also "Should everyone on the board go natty, lol?" Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't think we are the ones to decide that for someone, as it is an individuals choice. I would hope most would be at their peak potential, before attempting aas, but as you insinuate, everyone has a choice, and i think you will agree, ppl that have crossed over made the choice because they reached their limit. Whether it is due to vainness, wanting to compete, etc, it is their choice and that is why we are here to help.

    5. #35
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Quote Originally Posted by mick-G
      Actually Skar, i know many very developed and very big bros in there mid-30s and 40's that do very well on 400-600mg of testosterone and are still developing their bodies on medium dosages of aas. Of course, some ppl assume just because you do more means you will get and keep more of your gains, and this is just not so. If you are natty Skar, you will know most of the actual kept gain is due to the decipline in how you train, diet and sleep. If these variables are not in check then anything you do with aas will be useless. Of course there are other techniques used to sustain optimal mass post cycle, which includes of course pct and combinations of supplementation during it. Prob with the ppl that are taking the large amount of aas is that not only their receptors, but their chemical makeup has become changed, which makes their bodies dependant on these larger dosages, so for them taking 500-600mg will have little effect. This is why, if you are getting desired results off the minimum dosage, it is not necessary to up the dosage to get the desired results. Not only is this the best way to acheive your potential using aas, but the safest way. You are right, Badasz can and will do as he wishes, but let it be a decision based on ppl giving him sound advice, so he can make an informed decision. At least even if he makes a decision that is not correct for him and his age, it will not be on anyone concious but his own. Oh, also "Should everyone on the board go natty, lol?" Maybe yes, maybe no. I don't think we are the ones to decide that for someone, as it is an individuals choice. I would hope most would be at their peak potential, before attempting aas, but as you insinuate, everyone has a choice, and i think you will agree, ppl that have crossed over made the choice because they reached their limit. Whether it is due to vainness, wanting to compete, etc, it is their choice and that is why we are here to help.
      i agree w/ jus about the whoel post bro... except the only variable you forget is some people respond to AAS much better than others too. Some will grow easy off moderate doses and some it wont do shit for... I agree aboutt diet, nutrition , sleep and training... I think most people could do it better before going on aas too>.. but again iw as assuming his is on since hes not a first tmer, and a mod, and a d1 athlete

    6. #36
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Yes, iam not discounting that some ppl need more to grow, but in my experience, alot of ppl just up the dosages reguardless, because they think if they use more the result will be more to their advantage, and that is where research, decipline, and knowing how your body reacts comes into play. Also alot has to do with the maturity of the individual. Iam sorry, but i see way too many ppl that are not imo mature enough to be making decisions, because they want the result "now" and the hell with whether im at my peak or diet, training are in check. Iam not going to undermine anyone's experience, whether it is assumed or not. A person asks a question and i take into consideration their age, stats, etc. Why someone asks a quesion is because they want answers. Badasz is 22yr. he imo does not need 20wker with 10wks of tren e and 750mg test. If he accepts my opinion than thats great, if he doesn't than that is his decision.

    7. #37
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      yeah part of the reason why i said 90% (it's probably lower) of the ppl on the boards shoudlnt even really be doing gear.

      I see people posting "Im looking to lose body fat.... How does 500 mg/wk of test sound LOL! Using gear to lose bf, silliest thing.

      the people with low lifts and small phsiques... No gear to them either

      Some guy posted pics after a cycle and was 140? I mean, not a flame at all to the guy but thats just not anywhere near your max potential... i mean some guys post their stats or post their pics and you just gotto think "wait you work out? you used steroids?" Not a flame to anyone b/c it takes heart to post your stats + pics... but gear is prob not the right thing if people gotto ask if you work out or if you do gear.

      I dono but a lot of people seem to disagree w/ my aforementioned that it doesnt matter. I still stick to my statements though (whether right for bad or not) more gear = more keepable gains...more gear = more gains + more sides...

      Im not saying its right for him, but just throwing it out there if he can handle it

      well at least we can agree on about 90% of the stuff said!
      Last edited by Skarhead; 08-31-2005 at 10:03 PM.

    8. #38
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Quote Originally Posted by Skarhead
      I dono but a lot of people seem to disagree w/ my aforementioned that it doesnt matter. I still stick to my statements though (whether right for bad or not) more gear = more keepable gains...more gear = more gains + more side...
      Skar, lol! Only thing i agree with this is the "more sides part, lol! I guess we can agree to disagree and that is fine. Oh, only thing i would have to look at with a guy at 140lb is his body type also stats and health. Especially if he has a muscle wasting disease. Then again, some ppl make decisions on the uninformed advice of others. Maybe that is what he went by, but yes i have seen pics of ppl that have not even reach an athletic build let alone a natty potential for bbing and aas use.

    9. #39
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Quote Originally Posted by badasz32
      the bike in the avatar is my 03 yamaha R6
      Damn my eyes are getting bad. I see it now in the tank shape. Nice bike bra.

    10. #40
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      ok to make things more clear.
      1st cycle 11 weeks of test and eq.
      t-400 @400mg, syd group eq @400

      2nd cycle 2weeks of prop
      20 weeks of test and eq @500 each
      5 weeks of prop and tren 125/75mg eod.

      the second cycle was great i hit 205-208 and around 9-10% at 5'7.
      i stayed on a lil too long but pct cycle i was not shut down at all. i must recover really well. i dont know if its due to age, or natty test. i did clomid and nolva pct, along with proviron and tribulis and zma.

      im at a steady 193-195 and 8-9%. i started my swim season and lost a lil weight do to the 2hours of cardio a day. i want to go on in feb. yes ill be 22 years old in less then a month. i think i might wait to do this cycle in the fall or winter of next year. i have a show in feb. so ill do a precontest cycle. when i do do this bulker ill do:
      15 weeks of sust at 750
      15 weeks of eq at 600
      1-6 35mg of d-bol.

      thanks for all the help.

      i think the test and eq isnt that harmful. if u guys do think that i will have conception problems or i will damage my nautral test then i might re-think gear usage all over. i have had no bad sides what so ever besides acne.

      ill work on a precontest cycle and u guys can tell me what u think.

      yeah i love my 03 R6 i posted pics of it in the cars,motorcycles forum a while back.

    11. #41
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Well, that is alot better than what you had. I would hold off on the tren till you get older. Test and eq i never had a prob with that, as far a recovery. I myself don't go beyond 14wk cycles. My question is you are still only 22yr and you have so much natural test. Waiting a few yrs wouldn't hurt. I know conception is prob the last thing on your mind, but you need to think about that when thinking about doing a cycle, and if you have to do a cycle put that into the equation when picking particular aas to use.

    12. #42
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      Default Re: planning a new one

      Quote Originally Posted by Rado
      I know you're joking; but then again it is you

      Some people from the boards have passed away due to liver failure, noting to joke about.

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      damn mick and skar......best debate that i ever read....

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