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  • Is Andro considered a steroid?
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    Thread: Is Andro considered a steroid?

    1. #1
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Is Andro considered a steroid?

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      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?

      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      A few of my friends are doing Andro Poppers and said they can feel their blood flow more. They also said they stay pumped instead of losing it a few hours later. Is this true?

      What are the benefits and what are the negatives?

      Is there any side effects?

      Is it legal?

      And lastly I was reading a few things online that people would get rage problems similar to roid rage with Andro. Has anyone else experienced this?

      Thanks for all the help.........

    2. #2
      BigFastStrong's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      wow, u have alot to learn!! yes andro is a steroid. Andro's are pro-hormones. It was legal up until january 20th 2005. Frankly im glad they were taken off the shelves becuase they sucked! anyways, look up any steroid side effects, and you'll get them with andro!

    3. #3
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      BFS is right on with this, andro is now illegal

    4. #4
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      Funny I did alot of reading on it but didn't retain the fact that it was a steroid. Thats why I like to ask things like this because then I can find out what I might have overlooked which in this case is a big thing to overlook.

      What is a good thing for me to take that is legal and safe to get the most gains?

      I tried Creatine for a month and it worked decently but ever since I took it (which was a year and a half ago) I have to drink insane amounts of water (3-4gallons a day)! I tested my blood sugar because I thought I might have diabetes but my blood sugar readings were good so I ruled that out.

      I am 6'2 and 198lbs as of today. I eat 6 meals a day and have a meal + protein shake before bed. I've managed to gain 45lbs over the last few years from this diet routine. I just am not getting the muscle definition and size I want. Any suggestions as to what I can take or do to get the gains I am looking for?

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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      food it the best supplement, but right now No2 is a very popular supplement, tribulus is a great supplement

    6. #6
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      I thought I read that NO2 doesn't work from alot of posts? I got the book on NO2 and understand how it is supposed to work. But the book was written by the guy that makes the product so of course the information was biased. Did you or anyone else use this stuff and get noticeable results from it?

      as for Tribulus I did a search on it and it says that it can be used to remedy liver, colon, and digestive problems, as well as increases sexual drive. What do you use it for?

    7. #7
      BigFastStrong's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      you cant only rely on how often you eat, but rely on what you eat... you should be eating around 275-300g of protein aday, along with atleast 400g of carbs. you just have to research on the timing of protein and carbs. it gets way more complexed than that when u factor in essential fatty acids, and different types of protein like casein, and whey... hi glycemic, low glycemic carbs. also, what are your goals and current statistics? that should help us all in figuring out what you need most!

    8. #8
      chaos's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      andro is not technically a steroid, it is not an active compount. it has to go through at least one conversion in the body before it becomes active, which makes it a prohormone. still just as illeagal though

    9. #9
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      chaos is right its not a steroid because of the conversion..andro will probably give you more side effects then most steroids and not half the amount of gains.Why are you set against the real thing?
      (candidates@google:ron paul )

    10. #10
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      Train for mass first and then cut down. You can't get definition and mass at the same time very easily. It possible, but not plausible.

      So, I suggest you go on a full year mass attack. You eat around 4,000 cals a day and you do periodization training. You keep your rep schemes at 4, 7, 10 and 13.
      You do 4 weeks of nothing but sets of 4 reps on everything,
      then you go to 10 reps for 4 weeks,
      then you go to 7 reps for 4 weeks,
      then you go to 13 reps for 4 weeks,
      then you repeat.

      The goal is to make yourself increase 5 to 10 pounds on every lift every week. Obviously, things like bicpes wont go up 5 pounds every week but maybe every two weeks. Keep a journal and use only primary compound movements. Forget about concentration curls, flies and all those isolation movements. Stick with deadlifts, squats, bench, bent over rows, pull ups, and stuff like that. You don't need to change exercises because the cahnge in rep scheme will give the muscle new stimulus.

      Stick to this for one year. I found myself doing way more weight on everything than I ever though I'd be able to. For example, when I started this for the first time I could do military presses with 155 for about 10 reps. It wasn't long before I was doing 185, then 225. The most I ever did on militaries was 275 on my sets of 4. Sure, it took me about two years but it would have never happened without this approach. You have to mentally get psyched up for every workout because you have to out do your last weeks best on everything. It's one of the most intense and motivating workouts I've ever used and I've been at this for 18 years.

      That's my two cents.
      I used to have superhuman powers....until my therapist took them away.

    11. #11
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      It is now that Bush signed that bullshit bill.
      Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington

      I do not condone the use of, nor do I use anabolic or androgenic steroids. My participation on these boards is for informational purposes only. I have done extensive research of AAS and enjoy discussing them for role playing enjoyment.

    12. #12
      DJDIGGLER's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      Quote Originally Posted by BigFastStrong
      what are your goals and current statistics? that should help us all in figuring out what you need most!
      I started out in 2001 at 6'2 140lbs. I've been working out since but have been really into it for the last year. I'm now 6'2 198lbs. the following are my measurements that I have taken from 2001 to now

      2001 ---- now
      Arms 12" ---- 15 7/8"
      Chest 36" ---- 41 3/4"

      My goal is to have 17 1/2" arms and a 45" chest.

      I currently am doing the following workout routine all with a 4 set 6-7 rep range, except chest which I'm currently doing 10 sets of 3 reps for a month to increase strength.

      M-Chest, Back, Tri's
      T-Shoulders, Bi's, Traps
      F-Bi's, Tri's

      I do abs whenever they don't hurt

    13. #13
      president_fad's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      why do you do arms twice??

      id split up back and chest too.

    14. #14
      Prion's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

      Quote Originally Posted by chaos
      andro is not technically a steroid, it is not an active compount.
      Thats not what classifies items as a steroid. What does however, is if the chemical itself contains a sterol group (Any steroid-based alcohol having a hydrocarbon (aliphatic) side-chain of 8-10 carbons at the 17-beta position and a hydroxyl group at the 3-beta position (therfore an alcohol).).

      And yes andro has a sterol group. So does cholesterol.

    15. #15
      diggi's Avatar
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      Default Re: Is Andro considered a steroid?

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      • Is Andro considered a steroid?

      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      • Is Andro considered a steroid?
      Come on BFS.. not all pro-hormones sucked.. Methyl 1 Test by Legal Gear was some strong ass sh!t..monster strenght gains.. ErgoPharm 1-AD was good also.

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