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    Thread: is this normal? deca question

    1. #16
      wheelbarrel's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

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      • is this normal? deca question

      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      Quote Originally Posted by guy83
      just wondering ? im running a deca only cycle (yeah i know the side effects)i will be running winny with it ar the end any way im feeling extrememly tired with headaches is this normal ?...or maybe its just stress or something anyway any help would be appreciated
      For you own good, run some type of test with it. Without the test your going to have a real hard time bouncing back on your PCT, plus no cycle is complete without test.

      As far as the head aches go, have your blood presure checked steroids can raise it. I've had high blood pressure, the signs are head ache, dizzness, blurred vision, no energy, ect. More than likely yours is a little high, the doc will prescribe some meds, I used 10mgs of Fosinopril once a day. Its not any big deal, a lot of guys get it, mostly its caused from stress.
      Mod @ beyondmass.com

    2. #17
      TSR1969's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      Quote Originally Posted by wheelbarrel
      For you own good, run some type of test with it. Without the test your going to have a real hard time bouncing back on your PCT, plus no cycle is complete without test.
      And let me tell you from experience, a long deca cycle will be hard to bounce back from w/o some hcg. i appreciate the fact that your guy competes and all, and is a personal trainer, but i have heard more personal trainors at my gym giving advice about aas and cycles that was completely 100% wrong. 'gyno bro, oh you need some hcg for that.' wtf??? are you kidding me, but these guys are trainers after all so they must know - that kills me.

      unless your guy works at BALCO labs, i think i would be more content getting advice from someone who had a bit of experience with aas and experience from working out due to years of doing it, instead of some 3 week class to get some certification.

      what is your guy going to do if you get gyno? if its from the prolactin (nandrolones cause this as opposed to gyno from test which is usually from the test aromitizing into estrogen (or estradiol?) then you need bromo or dostinex as opposed to nolva. did he explain any of this to you? do you understand what effect deca will have on your hpta and why hcg is important. did he tell you your sex drive may (not with everyone) drop to nothing?

      my point is that you do not know enough about what you are taking and this guy doesnt sound like he does either. you can cut on any aas, even deca, but you can also get paint on the wall with a feather duster too, i'd opt for a simple paint brush were it me, but the other way will work, just not as well. i am only 200lbs but i do not think i would be getting enough cals at 1800 a day to have any energy.

      also, dont feel like because you started with this guy you need to stay with him. i'm afraid you are getting all your stuff thru him as well and prolly paying gym prices.

      if you are trying to cut, and you are not 19 and "have been lifting really really hard for the last year", (if this is the case you have no business doing aas yet)why not try clen and some cardio (some guys swear by t3, but that stuff scares me, and i use dnp)?

      but now that you have crossed over to the dark side, how about getting some test? maybe some prop at 200mg e3d? or enan at 3 or 400 ew? if deca does it for you (or you have been told it does) why not use npp instead? maybe 200mg e3d, with .25 cabaser e3d with it.

      if you do not know what this stuff means, then that is exactly why you should not be doing aas. your advice (and presumably gear) is coming from someone who does not sound like he knows a whole lot about what he is telling you.

      pm a mod about becoming a preferred member (do we have that on this board?) and they can help you with info on source checks and whatnot so you are not getting cleaned out (i can almost guarantee you paid WAY too much for that deca too.)

      you are here, and that means you are not stupid but are instead trying to learn about this stuff and that is great. do a search, read all the posts of other bros' cycles but all you need to cut for your first cycle, if you have to use something other than clen, is some simple test. if you still have questions then post away

    3. #18
      Sven's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      Quote Originally Posted by TSR1969
      And let me tell you from experience, a long deca cycle will be hard to bounce back from w/o some hcg. i appreciate the fact that your guy competes and all, and is a personal trainer, but i have heard more personal trainors at my gym giving advice about aas and cycles that was completely 100% wrong. 'gyno bro, oh you need some hcg for that.' wtf??? are you kidding me, but these guys are trainers after all so they must know - that kills me.

      unless your guy works at BALCO labs, i think i would be more content getting advice from someone who had a bit of experience with aas and experience from working out due to years of doing it, instead of some 3 week class to get some certification.

      what is your guy going to do if you get gyno? if its from the prolactin (nandrolones cause this as opposed to gyno from test which is usually from the test aromitizing into estrogen (or estradiol?) then you need bromo or dostinex as opposed to nolva. did he explain any of this to you? do you understand what effect deca will have on your hpta and why hcg is important. did he tell you your sex drive may (not with everyone) drop to nothing?

      my point is that you do not know enough about what you are taking and this guy doesnt sound like he does either. you can cut on any aas, even deca, but you can also get paint on the wall with a feather duster too, i'd opt for a simple paint brush were it me, but the other way will work, just not as well. i am only 200lbs but i do not think i would be getting enough cals at 1800 a day to have any energy.

      also, dont feel like because you started with this guy you need to stay with him. i'm afraid you are getting all your stuff thru him as well and prolly paying gym prices.

      if you are trying to cut, and you are not 19 and "have been lifting really really hard for the last year", (if this is the case you have no business doing aas yet)why not try clen and some cardio (some guys swear by t3, but that stuff scares me, and i use dnp)?

      but now that you have crossed over to the dark side, how about getting some test? maybe some prop at 200mg e3d? or enan at 3 or 400 ew? if deca does it for you (or you have been told it does) why not use npp instead? maybe 200mg e3d, with .25 cabaser e3d with it.

      if you do not know what this stuff means, then that is exactly why you should not be doing aas. your advice (and presumably gear) is coming from someone who does not sound like he knows a whole lot about what he is telling you.

      pm a mod about becoming a preferred member (do we have that on this board?) and they can help you with info on source checks and whatnot so you are not getting cleaned out (i can almost guarantee you paid WAY too much for that deca too.)

      you are here, and that means you are not stupid but are instead trying to learn about this stuff and that is great. do a search, read all the posts of other bros' cycles but all you need to cut for your first cycle, if you have to use something other than clen, is some simple test. if you still have questions then post away
      Very Good response TSR. I concur.

    4. #19
      edvedr's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      Quote Originally Posted by TSR1969
      And let me tell you from experience, a long deca cycle will be hard to bounce back from w/o some hcg. i appreciate the fact that your guy competes and all, and is a personal trainer, but i have heard more personal trainors at my gym giving advice about aas and cycles that was completely 100% wrong. 'gyno bro, oh you need some hcg for that.' wtf??? are you kidding me, but these guys are trainers after all so they must know - that kills me.

      unless your guy works at BALCO labs, i think i would be more content getting advice from someone who had a bit of experience with aas and experience from working out due to years of doing it, instead of some 3 week class to get some certification.

      what is your guy going to do if you get gyno? if its from the prolactin (nandrolones cause this as opposed to gyno from test which is usually from the test aromitizing into estrogen (or estradiol?) then you need bromo or dostinex as opposed to nolva. did he explain any of this to you? do you understand what effect deca will have on your hpta and why hcg is important. did he tell you your sex drive may (not with everyone) drop to nothing?

      my point is that you do not know enough about what you are taking and this guy doesnt sound like he does either. you can cut on any aas, even deca, but you can also get paint on the wall with a feather duster too, i'd opt for a simple paint brush were it me, but the other way will work, just not as well. i am only 200lbs but i do not think i would be getting enough cals at 1800 a day to have any energy.

      also, dont feel like because you started with this guy you need to stay with him. i'm afraid you are getting all your stuff thru him as well and prolly paying gym prices.

      if you are trying to cut, and you are not 19 and "have been lifting really really hard for the last year", (if this is the case you have no business doing aas yet)why not try clen and some cardio (some guys swear by t3, but that stuff scares me, and i use dnp)?

      but now that you have crossed over to the dark side, how about getting some test? maybe some prop at 200mg e3d? or enan at 3 or 400 ew? if deca does it for you (or you have been told it does) why not use npp instead? maybe 200mg e3d, with .25 cabaser e3d with it.

      if you do not know what this stuff means, then that is exactly why you should not be doing aas. your advice (and presumably gear) is coming from someone who does not sound like he knows a whole lot about what he is telling you.

      pm a mod about becoming a preferred member (do we have that on this board?) and they can help you with info on source checks and whatnot so you are not getting cleaned out (i can almost guarantee you paid WAY too much for that deca too.)

      you are here, and that means you are not stupid but are instead trying to learn about this stuff and that is great. do a search, read all the posts of other bros' cycles but all you need to cut for your first cycle, if you have to use something other than clen, is some simple test. if you still have questions then post away
      well said. but as far as source checks and things of that nature we can't do anything more than tell someone if a person they already have is legit or not. thats it!! and member status has nothing to do with it

    5. #20
      mick-G's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      Right On Bro!

    6. #21
      badasz32's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      i personally dont see anything wrong with running t-3 as long as he ramps up and down starting at 20 or 25mcgs and not going over 60-75. while on test and in conjuction with clen its an awesome cutter.

    7. #22
      TSR1969's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      Quote Originally Posted by badasz32
      i personally dont see anything wrong with running t-3 as long as he ramps up and down starting at 20 or 25mcgs and not going over 60-75. while on test and in conjuction with clen its an awesome cutter.
      bad, t3 just scares me, not saying it cannot be taken safely because enough guys do it so it obvisouly can, its just not something i think a novice should take unless he is getting advice from someone like you or another vet, sort of like nipple clamps, they sound interesting and prolly make you feel really sexy, just not for me

    8. #23
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    9. #24
      HungarianBeast's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      TSR1969... ...very good advise above!

    10. #25
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    11. #26
      justaguy83's Avatar
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      Default Re: is this normal? deca question

      thanks alot guys i really apreciate the advice more than u know ....thanks again

    12. #27
      3Vandoo's Avatar
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      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      • is this normal? deca question
      Quote Originally Posted by guy83
      just wondering ? im running a deca only cycle (yeah i know the side effects)i will be running winny with it ar the end any way im feeling extrememly tired with headaches is this normal ?...or maybe its just stress or something anyway any help would be appreciated
      deca and winny?

      oh my, hope you have something to bring your soldier at "attetion"
      three doodoo is back! Hide your women!

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