About to start a 3rd cycle in the next few weeks, need some advice.

24 yrs old
6' 220 lbs
about 15% bodyfat

Previous Cycles:

1) 50mg tren ed X 8 weeks

2) 75mg Prop/75mg Tren ed X 8 weeks

I'm planning on running Test Enan. and EQ with a dbol jumpstart. I am very prone to bloat, so I have ample ADEX and Nolva on hand. How early should I start the adex/nolva prior to the cycle so it reaches effective levels? I was thinking of running:

1mg arimidex eod
10mg nolva ed
900 mg Test Enan. 2XWK 1-15
750 mg EQ 2XWK 1-14

Post cycle consisting of clomid/arimidex/nolva.

Also, I have never run an oral and I have dbol on hand, unfortunately I have them in 25mg caps, and I am very hesitant to run 50mg a day for my first time with it. Will 25mg a day provide any noticeable/worthwhile gains? Any and all questions/opinions/comments are welcome and appreciated.
