I am on week 6 of my summer cycle and seem to be having a problem with being lethargic. I was taking 500 mg of Test Enanthate weekly along with 75mcg of T-3. This last week, I upped the dosages to 1000 mg and 150 mcg respectively. The high T-3 dose is from the recommendations of a moderator on another board who recommends 1mcg/pound which would be 225 mcg in my case. I feel comfortable doing the high a dosage of T-3 as I have yet to read any substantiated studies on permanent thyroid shutdown. I plan to spend 6 weeks at this level and ramp down for 6-8 weeks. The mod who suggested this has ran T-3 for 32 weeks straight with no problems.

Back to my original question…

I seem to ache in every joint of my body and feel pretty much run down. I am sleeping 7 hours per night but have to drag my butt out of bed whereas before I popped right out wide awake. My diet is based on 10 cals / pound {I weigh 225@14% BF and am 42 years old standing 5”10” tall} with about 55% of those from protein and with meals scheduled no more than 2.5-3 hours apart. Do you think it’s the T-3 dragging me down? Once I get to the gym, I am fired up and ready to go sort of like Sylvester Stallone turning his hat around in “Over the Top”.

Come to think of it, this “run down” feeling MAY be as a result of stopping my Loratab 7.5 dosage. I had two teeth extracted of 7 days and took in excess of 80 tablets over a 10-day period. I stopped Monday morning. It could be a result of “mini withdrawals rather than the T-3. What do you think?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
