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    Thread: Help my fatass with t3?

    1. #1
      sofargone561's Avatar
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      Default Help my fatass with t3?

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      • Help my fatass with t3?

      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      How high do you guys normally go and for how long?

      I’ve read guys going up to 100mcg but I’ve also read there’s no real season to go past 50mcg?

      How long do you go on it for?
      4 weeks, 6, 10+?

      Most of my reading points to starting at 25mcg ramps up to 50, 75 or 100 for a few weeks then slowly ramps back down to 25 then you come off.

      I’ve read a few weeks I’ve read months.

      I’ve ready that your body recovered pretty quickly from t3 “supplementation” even in people who have taken it for years.

      I’ve used clen, clen and keto for longer durations and even dnp. Never added t3.

      I want to add it this time.

      I know t3 doesn’t discriminate and eats everything including muscle. I will be on other gear as well.


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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      I have never used it. I have had guys tell me to use something like D-bol to save muscle while on it, but then I do not know.

      Keto is my best friend as I can drop lbs fairly quick.
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    3. #3
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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      I meant ketofin used with clen.

      But the keto diet is actually great if that’s what you mean. I’ll probably end up. Back on it. It was super easy and never felt like a diet and I was shedding weight daily.

      I’ll probably get on keto until I get to a weight I’m comfortable with then switch to a more typical style diet.

      I’m just looking for an extra fat loss boost so I’m thinking about adding t3 to my cycle in the beggining.

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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      so if you are going to jump on t3 then go low end dosing. you start with 12.5 or 25mcg for a few weeks until you stop dropping pounds. then bump up to 50 and run for your duration. i have ran it for up to 6 months plus with no issues at all. on the back end you need to ease back down the same way. drop down to 25mcg for a little for week then down to 25 for a few weeks then down to 12.5 for a few and then drop it out. their are a few supps that will kick start natty production but you may not need them. i would just go in and see a good hormone doc and get your levels checked and if needed they will put you on. a good alternative to enhance your own and kick it up a notch is np thyroid. it will boost your bodies use of what it produces while also giving you a little additional t3/t4. my doc put me on it but i dont tolerate t4 at all and thought i was having a heart attack. so we just went to just t3 while prepping and to optimize my other stuff
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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      so if you are going to jump on t3 then go low end dosing. you start with 12.5 or 25mcg for a few weeks until you stop dropping pounds. then bump up to 50 and run for your duration. i have ran it for up to 6 months plus with no issues at all. on the back end you need to ease back down the same way. drop down to 25mcg for a little for week then down to 25 for a few weeks then down to 12.5 for a few and then drop it out. their are a few supps that will kick start natty production but you may not need them. i would just go in and see a good hormone doc and get your levels checked and if needed they will put you on. a good alternative to enhance your own and kick it up a notch is np thyroid. it will boost your bodies use of what it produces while also giving you a little additional t3/t4. my doc put me on it but i dont tolerate t4 at all and thought i was having a heart attack. so we just went to just t3 while prepping and to optimize my other stuff
      Cool thanks guns. That’s pretty much spot on how I had it written down I just looking for some opinions.

      Never ran t3 or t3 so unsure how my
      Body will respond to either.

      Everything else Im going to run I’ve ran before so I know what to expect.

      I was going to run HGH which was the only other thing I havnt ran before but I got screwed out of the order so it’s back to just normal AAS and possibly some T3.

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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      Cool thanks guns. That’s pretty much spot on how I had it written down I just looking for some opinions.

      Never ran t3 or t3 so unsure how my
      Body will respond to either.

      Everything else Im going to run I’ve ran before so I know what to expect.

      I was going to run HGH which was the only other thing I havnt ran before but I got screwed out of the order so it’s back to just normal AAS and possibly some T3.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      some of my early research and i am talking well over 20 years ago suggested using 12.5mcg with every cycle to enhance nutrient uptake. i read about it in a planet muscle mag where they laid out a top tier top 5 olympia guy's cycle. he had it in there for the entire duration of off season and prep where he transitioned into his prep where it got ramped up. fast forward many years and i always add it into my gh runs and when my fat loss starts to stall during prep.
      you really wont be able to feel anything at all unless you are sensitive to it and then it will make your heart race and make you a little bit shaky but most dont have any issues at all with it. i would get some direct med labs done on your thyroid levels before hand and see if they are low to begin with. then on the back side of your run as well. that way you know that what you are doing is optimal. i had my post prep labs done about just under 2 weeks post show and all my thyroid levels were absolutely tanked even with me using 50mcg a day. that's how far i pushed my body and my doc was blown away. hell i was still bone peeled and not holding any water at all and he said that they were at the level of most obese people. low cal hard training and cardio does a number on us for sure. i am back leveled out now though since reverse dieting out
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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      Quote Originally Posted by sofargone561 View Post
      How high do you guys normally go and for how long?

      I’ve read guys going up to 100mcg but I’ve also read there’s no real season to go past 50mcg?

      How long do you go on it for?
      4 weeks, 6, 10+?

      Most of my reading points to starting at 25mcg ramps up to 50, 75 or 100 for a few weeks then slowly ramps back down to 25 then you come off.

      I’ve read a few weeks I’ve read months.

      I’ve ready that your body recovered pretty quickly from t3 “supplementation” even in people who have taken it for years.

      I’ve used clen, clen and keto for longer durations and even dnp. Never added t3.

      I want to add it this time.

      I know t3 doesn’t discriminate and eats everything including muscle. I will be on other gear as well.


      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Forget all that you read you will drive yourself crazy.
      T3 use all depends on the individual using it.
      If your metabolism is high, low or average had to be considered. Like you said, too much and it can burn muscle
      There is no set amount you need to find out what dose is good for you.
      My metabolism is crazy fast I never go over 12.5 mcgs a day and i don't do it for fat loss I do it to get the nutrients i take in going where I need them faster. I have used it for a year straight at that low dose.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

    8. #8
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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

      Quote Originally Posted by pgc648 View Post
      Forget all that you read you will drive yourself crazy.
      T3 use all depends on the individual using it.
      If your metabolism is high, low or average had to be considered. Like you said, too much and it can burn muscle
      There is no set amount you need to find out what dose is good for you.
      My metabolism is crazy fast I never go over 12.5 mcgs a day and i don't do it for fat loss I do it to get the nutrients i take in going where I need them faster. I have used it for a year straight at that low dose.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
      I don't believe anyone who is eating well needs more than 100mcga a day and the only ones who do are those with very slow metabolisms.
      Start at 25mcgs a day. T3 is not a miracle drug, you still need your diet on point.
      If you are eating well and see no results or little results from 25 raise it by 12.5 moe and continue until you find a good amount for you.

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      Default Re: Help my fatass with t3?

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      • Help my fatass with t3?

      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      • Help my fatass with t3?
      Quote Originally Posted by pgc648 View Post
      I don't believe anyone who is eating well needs more than 100mcga a day and the only ones who do are those with very slow metabolisms.
      Start at 25mcgs a day. T3 is not a miracle drug, you still need your diet on point.
      If you are eating well and see no results or little results from 25 raise it by 12.5 moe and continue until you find a good amount for you.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
      Oh, combining T3 with clen is usually an awesome fat burning combo. Throw in some TREN and GH and if you can't get lean you never will.
      Seriously though think about a smaller dose of t3 combined with clen.

      Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk

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