How high do you guys normally go and for how long?

I’ve read guys going up to 100mcg but I’ve also read there’s no real season to go past 50mcg?

How long do you go on it for?
4 weeks, 6, 10+?

Most of my reading points to starting at 25mcg ramps up to 50, 75 or 100 for a few weeks then slowly ramps back down to 25 then you come off.

I’ve read a few weeks I’ve read months.

I’ve ready that your body recovered pretty quickly from t3 “supplementation” even in people who have taken it for years.

I’ve used clen, clen and keto for longer durations and even dnp. Never added t3.

I want to add it this time.

I know t3 doesn’t discriminate and eats everything including muscle. I will be on other gear as well.


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