simple as that..short 4 weekers of orals, test as a base, first ghalf deca, second EQ and some more test. HCG every 2-3 week at 1000iu EW if nuts decrease. Might look long, but for you who is on long cycles and like them, what do you say?

I thought of a cycle looking like this:
W 4: Slin 2-4-6-8-8iu post workout(days)
W 5-6: Slin 10iu post workout(5 days)
W 1-19: Test enathate 500mg EW
W 1-4: Dbol 40mg ED
W 1-4: arimdex 1mg ED
W 1-10: Deca 300mg EW
W 10-19: EQ 600mg EW
W 11-15: an extra 250mg Test per week(total 750mg)
W 9-12: Dbol 40mg ED
W 9-11: Slin 6-8-10-10-10 post workout(6 day 1, 8 day 2 and so on)
W 15-17: Slin as above
W 17-20: Winny 50mg ED
W 6-20: proviron 25mg ED
W 19 + 20: HCG therapy with Nolvadex
W 22: Clomid therapy + Clen
W 22-24: Slin as above

to this cycle Liv52, milk tistle, r-ALA, finasteride, Saw Palmetto, and creatine + glutamin while on slin.