Quote Originally Posted by Dzone View Post
If all goes right, Gonna eat turkey and pie and bash liberals
My sis is a far left liberal. i do not have to do more than say something like "Hey dad, still having problems with your car's tranny?" My sis will interject regardless of context to say that is sleight to trans people. I argue that it is an abbreviation for transmission. She will say she does not care. So I double down and go straight 7 year old..... "tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny........" over and over. then I call her a doodoo head and laugh.

Oh and do not get me started if "white christmas" comes on. She will say "This could offend African Americans!" I tell her "1. Context, what fuqking color is snow? 2. There ain't no black folk up in this house at the moment and if there were they would not be offended because they are smarter than you....doodoo head!"

Yeah it is tough dealing with her.