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    Thread: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

    1. #16
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Dinner was hello fresh

      Chicken, potatoes and asparagus
      Couple cups of water

      I’m about to grab a pb&j and some more water and hit the sack.

    3. #18
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Lastnight ended with a brownie. I had no intentions of it but my wife baked brownies and didn’t tell me and just brought one in the room and I ate the bastard.

      This morning I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch lol. I’m finishing off the box and then I won’t buy more. No milk, unsweetened almond milk instead.

      1 glass of water

      Lunch was 6 whole eggs 2 pieces of whole grain bread and a little ketchup, hot sauce and some seasonings

      Couple more glasses of water

      I made another smoothie with mixed frozen berries and unsweetened almond milk.

      No energy drink again today but I did have an energy packet. It’s a strike force energy packet, owned and operated by vets. You pour it in a water bottle, 0 calories and 0 sugars. I think it has 130mg of caffeine. I sip on it throughout the day.

      Plan is to go home and do some more cardio and maybe hit some curls and dead lifts just to kind of get back into it.

      No clue what’s for dinner Friday is usually pizza and heavy boozing so hopefully I can find a healthy alternative.

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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      day at a time brutha, life gets in the way sometimes plus your not single so things change.. you been where you want to be so you know how to get there.. consistency is you best friend.

    5. #20
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Im sorry for grammar errors a lot of my posts are mobil. Also i apologize for no really rhyme or reason or order to my posts but i need to just get in here and post if i stick with it i will clean it up and make it more uniform over time.

      So last night i got home, super tired and a little frustrated. I fell asleep on the couch and when i woke up i just chilled, no workout but today i feel much better i needed it.

      I ate 6 more whole eggs and more water.

      I had 2 mixed drinks (rum and coke) and about 1.5 cans of soda with them.

      For dinner i got chipotle, white rice, double steak, mild and hot sauce, lettuce and cheese. I ate about 90% of it but there guy LOADED my up with rice.

      Went to sleep at a reasonable time and got a better night sleep then i have in a few weeks.

      Woke up today and relaxed for a little.

      I ate half of my wife left over chipotle bowl from dinner, White rice, chicken, mild sauce, queso and sour cream.

      I ended up getting my ass into the garage (fl heat, no ac, no fan) and did 22 minutes on the bike and just over 6 miles. Its one of those crossfit games style air station bike, they are actually smokers if you put out effort. I wanted to quit after like 5 minutes but i stuck with it, i only planned on doing 20 minutes but i was past 5.50 miles so i just ran it out to 6 miles.

      No pre workouts or anything, I lifted some weight but again not going hard or doing any real workouts rn, i want to just get back into it.

      I threw on a 15lbs weight vest for the fuck of it.

      I did my favorite dumbbell superset for 3 sets, All standing with 30lbs dumbbell:

      1st arm first set:
      x8 curls
      x8 cross body hammer curl
      x8 hammer curl

      Then you switch and do left arm same thing then rest. 3-5 sets. I was getting sloppy set 3 so i only did 3 sets.

      This is my "finisher" arm workout and back in my prime i would end a workout with this workout. It gives an insane pump and forces so much blood into your arms its a great confidence booster when you see your pump, big dick energy for sure leaving the gym with this pump.

      I liked to take my "break" with a tricep workout, usually some sort of cable pull down. So basically you would do your 3 workouts left arm, switch to right, then move over and do a tricep pull down set then jump back into the curls. 3-5 sets 8-12 reps but usually i like to pick a weight that 8 reps is hard on the last set or 2. Right now thats about 25lbs back in the day it was about 35. You want strict reps here and the idea is to squeeze at the top of each curl and really force the blood in.

      I ended with 3 sets of 10 with a 60lbs curl bar.

      I am feeling good but don't want to kill myself or burn myself out to quickly. I also don't want to be so sore i can't function at work, I'm easing my way in.

      I will hit the cardio again later. just sitting in the garage today was like a sauna and its not even that hot, once july hits it will be insane in there. Im going to ease my way into 2 cardio session a day with the morning session being 30-60 minutes for fat burn and the night session being shorter session focusing on high intensity. Again my biggest goal right now is fat loss so i can get my confidence back up to actually put in the work on the weights.

      I forgot to do it or post it but my starting weight is 280lbs.... how fucking embarrassing. I'm 6'1" and always carried a lot of mass even when i was in real good shape i was always heavier then i looked. Not that that is an excuse for being a sorry excuse for a veteran.

      Right now my goal is to plunge under 250lbs and see who i look and feel, at that point i will have built a solid base, got some muscle memory back and i will incorporate a lot more workouts into the cardio mix.

      I have not been on any supplements or AAS.

      Starting today i am taking magnesium, fish oil, multi vitamin, vitamin c, vitamin D, vitamin b12 and tudca.

      I am also going to start protein shakes. 1 per day maybe 2 to help fill a meal slot or something.

      Planned cycle:
      Test E 500mg/ew
      Tren E 200-300mg/ew (depending on if my bottles are 100 or 150mg/ml)
      MK-677: 20mg/ed
      GW-501516: 10-20mg/ed
      Probably rum adex as well.

      Going to up my water intake and get myself back to a gallon+ per day and also adding in sugar free green teas and other teas i used to enjoy that didn't really mess up a diet.

      So Thats it for now. Going to make a berry smoothie and 6 more eggs and chill out for a little.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    6. #21
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      where you at buddy?
      TGBSupplements REP


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    7. #22
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Did I call it or what? Lol

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    8. #23
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      So I’m starting this over.

      I’ve been in a bad spot mentally for a while.
      I’ve been back and fourth with the VA for the last 6+ months with multiple appointments a week.

      Life is going ok right now, I’m getting some help and I’m on some medications and I am in a better spot mentally. I’m hoping I can hang on this time.

      Unfortunately I have gained even more weight since I started this post.

      My plans and my diets have changed around a bit but the basic Principle remains the same. I’m going to be honest with myself and take baby steps.

      My main concern right now is losing weight and gaining some confidence back. Once that happens and I can get into the habit of working out and eating right again I will focus more on actually lifting.

      My plan right now is to run a keto based diet (I know, but keep in mind fat loss is goal #1 right now)

      I’m going to do cardio twice a day probably 5-6 days a week
      Weight lifting, with whatever I can do in my garage with the gear I have (some dumbbells, a bar, about 450lbs in plates and some other random equipment, going to grab some more KB’s and DB’s

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    9. #24
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Didn’t finish my last one before posting it. I’m getting used to Tapatalk again. Sorry about that.

      Current plan is to eat about
      2000-2,200 calories per day and be around these numbers for everything else:
      Fat: 175g
      Protein: 130g
      Carbs: 39g

      Cycle will be basic and my favorite to run:

      Test E: 500mg/ew
      Tren E: 300mg/ew
      Proviron: 50mg/ed
      GH 4iu’s/ED (first time using GH)

      Will probably run Adex

      Also planning on running DNP for probably 2 weeks taking some time off then running it again.

      This is going to be baby steps, will be boring for a while but I’m hoping I can stay the course. Follow along but I don’t blame you for not paying attention for a while lol.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    10. #25
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Lunch was Taco Bell. 2 quesadillas and some soda.

      Dinner was chicken ravioli and 2 vodka and cranberry lights.

      I went shopping tonight and hit Costco for the new diet. Might hit the other grocery store and get the rest. Will probably start a he diet this weekend. Need to clear the garage out

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    11. #26
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Bought the wife a new car last night so I’m beat today.

      Going to head home soon and hit the grocery store to buy everything I couldn’t get at Costco. Hoping to meal prep tonight and maybe clear out some of the garage.

      Breast was a bag of mixed nuts and a can monster energy zero

      Lunch was water and a chicken burrito bowl, with pinto beans, lettuce, cheese and salsa, no sour cream or queso.

      Not sure what’s for dinner yet. Just wanted to force myself to log something to try and get into a habit here.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    12. #27
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Dinner was 2 turkey burger with buns and ketchup.

      Also had a Cesar salad as well didn’t measure anything.

      Had 2 vodka and diet cranberries, might make it 3.

      Didn’t make it to the store. Might still go later but I’m about to start in the garage so it might wait until tomorrow.

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    13. #28
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Garage is about 50% cleaned out. Really need a shed to store the bullshit to give me the proper room but by the end of tomorrow night i will have enough room for basic work outs and my cardio bike and things.

      Tonight I will get some good sleep and tomorrow i will get off at a decent time and will do some more cleaning, food prep and shopping. I will also look into the shed.
      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

    14. #29
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

      Hard working here!
      Veritas Vos Liberabit

    15. #30
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      Default Re: SFG’s “lets be honest I probably won’t follow through” journal

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      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      Hard working here!
      Baby steps! Just trying to get into the habit of logging everyday. Trying to keep a sense of accountability!

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      I never meant to be better than anyone, I was just born that way. Its hard being a god amongst peasants!

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