So to give everyone an idea as to what I am doing, let me lay it out for you. It is a little different from anything I have done before and cannot wait to see what happens.

Three days a week I will be super setting opposing body parts - Chest and Back, Shoulders and Legs and Bi and Tris. On the other two days I will be hitting a single bodypart that I feel can handle extra work. Some of the reason that I am doing this is due to injures over the years, just to let you know.

Yesterday I hit shoulders and with the addition of the tbol, the pump was insane.

Side Laterals - 10 sets of 10 to 20 reps
Front Raises - 5 sets of 10 to 20
Rev. Front Raises - 5 sets of 10 to 20

Still working on getting the calories up to build new tissue. Will update that once I get it where it needs to be.