I haven't posted in a bit, the holidays kind of got the best of me.

I did workout, I played basketball multiple times. I even skipped a gym workout to go to the gym I play basketball at to get in a shooting and dribbling workout just for some fun. The workouts I did were kind of a recovery workout because of how I felt.

Ankle is improving each day and really only gets sore now after a night of basketball. I'm still having issues with sleeping and my quad still gets numb in the middle of the night. I've been really paying attention to stretching and recovery to solve the issue but to this point nothing has solved the issue but I do feel like it's helping.

I did start supplementing with Forged Joint support but nothing really new or fun in terms of supplements however I have some sustain alpha coming soon along with another joint supplement.

As i'm feeling better I got injuried again this past sunday at basketball of course. The ball was being knocked around and I got low to get the ball and someone ran into my head/neck and gave me what I'm calling a stinger. My left arm went numb for a like 5 minutes, my thumb and index finger remained numb for an hour or so. Now i'm just sore in my left trap muscle for the last 5 days. I've played ball since then but my left arm almost felt dead, not sure what I can do to fix it other than letting it be and recover on its own.