Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
def a part of training I am easing back into slowly. those fire up issues happened after my hip surgery and have never been the same. What did you do exactly to help get them refired? I have read a bit about something called gluteal amnesia, so I have some basics I do to help this. Whatever I do, I focus on driving from my heels. Putting something between your cheeks help too,lol
dont need all of that baby1 to get them to wake up and activate properly. i have a great article from a doc that went in almost identical with what the great pt i worked with did and told me. now what's funny is everyone thinks they have strong glutes and they are firing but they are far from where they think they are. all you need for about the first 3-6 weeks is 2 movements and they are brutal and suck.

one leg glute bridges and double leg glute bridges with iso holds. for the single leg bridge all you do is lay flat on your back on the ground with your legs bent. point the opposite leg you are working out at about a 45 degree angle. pushing off the heel raise your hips up off the floor using your glutes. do 10 reps flexing them as hard as you can and on the 10th rep do a 10sec iso hold flexing as hard as you can. switch legs and do the same. all you need is two sets of those. then switch to the double leg ones. they are the exact same except both legs are bent and you are flexing both butt checks at the same time.
you will get a small amount of ham activation as well but not a whole lot and you may not be able to knock out all 10 reps your first couple of times. you can apply these movements 2-3 times per week but i would stick to 2 for the first few weeks and adjust from there. once you get good and strong on these and they are actually firing correctly then i will give you some other movements to add in. i do mine as a part of my warmups for leg days as per my pt. i got some nasty nasty tricks from her