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    Thread: Younger generation and weed

    1. #1
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      • Younger generation and weed
      • Younger generation and weed
      • Younger generation and weed
      • Younger generation and weed
      Having a young child, and this scares the shit out of me. We keep things real open for her to come to us with any questions. Try to educate her, as it seems that a large majority of kids are smoking weed at a very young age. I hear the kids talk, and say how it is good for you, and that opens up an opportunity for me to talk to them. they do not even touch this subject in school here, but talk about other things that are trivial, imo. So the brain is still developing til age 25, and kids are starting this so young is interfering with development, on top of all the other things that affect the brain. When we were younger I distinctly remember that commercial with the egg frying in the pan saying this is your brain on drugs. Scared the shit out of me. I will enforce my own DARE program.

      Every generation faces different challenges, and some kids turn to unhealthy coping ways. I am trying to instill good coping skills, but we can do as much as we can and when they walk out our door...we hope they make good conscious choices
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      no more dare program in your area? that's sad and pathetic not that it really changes their minds but at least they get to learn the effects it has. i know kids are going to do dumb stuff and dont think about what consiquences it can have down the road but at least educate them. when you are an adult i say have at it, its your body and your choice but to say that it is good for you is a stretch. i dont know many things that are natural or synthetic that make you feel good for the purpose of feeling good that dont have negative impacts on your body. the fools that say it is better than tobacco are also crazy. you are putting smoke into your lungs which arent designed to have smoke in them. so they are both bad it's like saying getting shot is worse than being stabbed. they are both bad haha. it is pretty awesome that you guys openly talk to your child about these things. we have the asset that we can show ours both friends and people in our area walking around that do these things and how great they have turned out. that's a great visual ref we like to use.
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Quote Originally Posted by guns01 View Post
      no more dare program in your area? that's sad and pathetic not that it really changes their minds but at least they get to learn the effects it has. i know kids are going to do dumb stuff and dont think about what consiquences it can have down the road but at least educate them. when you are an adult i say have at it, its your body and your choice but to say that it is good for you is a stretch. i dont know many things that are natural or synthetic that make you feel good for the purpose of feeling good that dont have negative impacts on your body. the fools that say it is better than tobacco are also crazy. you are putting smoke into your lungs which arent designed to have smoke in them. so they are both bad it's like saying getting shot is worse than being stabbed. they are both bad haha. it is pretty awesome that you guys openly talk to your child about these things. we have the asset that we can show ours both friends and people in our area walking around that do these things and how great they have turned out. that's a great visual ref we like to use.

      I agree with you 100%. I can tell you one thing, when she walks in our house she wont be able to hide anything,lol.
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Your daughter sounds like she is mentally strong and smart enough to understand the damage to the brain that weed can cause. I grew up without consuming any alcohol or drugs and I am so grateful. Part of it was religion but another part is I was scared shitless about brain damage cuz that is what was drilled into my head. I got properly brainwashed into believing that if I drank even one beer or took a toke on one joint, that my brain would be fucked up for life lol..It worked because I never drank a single beer until about 20.
      But what the hell, I wasnt until 40 that I damn near lost my life to alcohol.

      I hope your daughter is one of those kids that can say no to drugs and booze without feeling the slightest bit tempted. The rules have to be so set in stone way before the temptation arrives ...And it has to be her own standards. She has to personally not want that stuff, not just fear that she would get in trouble if she did. If it is part of her character, then it shouldnt be a problem.

      Of courser Its a lot harder when a boy comes along and tries to be a bad influence. Oh man. I dont know if I would deal well with that . That would piss me off to no end

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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      I really think as an adult weed is less harmful than alcohol. I tried it a few times and hated it. as for kids I agree with you baby. brain still developing, it would be better not to smoke weed. BUT......

      When we grew up the drug war on pot was mostly propaganda and we knew it. I knew adults that smoked weed their whole lives and were brilliant. my wife's POS mother made her smoke it and drink OJ with tequila when she was 8 years old and up so she would pass out and the POS mom could leave her and go party. she is way smarter than me.

      so i do not think it has lasting negative consequences. again alcohol is worse IMO.

      that said I think that what it CAN do is cause kids who use it to self medicate themselves because of depression, anxiety or some other problem to become dependent on intoxicants. this may lead to drug addictions of pain killers or heavy drugs or alcoholism later in life.

      that is why legalizing it nationally makes so much sense. a dope dealer does not care if he sells week to a 13 year old. but if he was out of business it would make it at least a bit more difficult for kids to get it. (like alcohol, how many saturday nights we spent sober because we could not find someone to buy beer for us)
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      I agree that drinking isn't any better. Back in our day kids may have done this but today I think its more like you said, a way they find to cope with struggles and struggles will continue throughout life. I am not a parent that thinks "my kid would never", but I will to be there to listen hear, and educate.
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Weed isn't the problem here where I live. The town next to me has the highest teen pregnancy per capita in the state. Pot ? is a joke, heroin and meth are the choice for school kids here...Seriously.
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Quote Originally Posted by mtnmedic View Post
      Weed isn't the problem here where I live. The town next to me has the highest teen pregnancy per capita in the state. Pot ? is a joke, heroin and meth are the choice for school kids here...Seriously.
      weed, crack and heroin around here. I caught 2 young teens a couple years ago in a room in the building. I booted them out and found this was their obvious place to do their crack. Saddened me but that was it for them here.
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      we were in Oregon last week and I must say it was a very mellow area with nice people but weed legal where we live? I just dont see that being a good thing at all
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Yes, alcohol does way more damage than pot. By far. Not saying pot is okay, but it sure aint gonna kill you like booze will. Kids should avoid both

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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      I live in Oregon, and ya know the availability hasn't changed a bit really. I do agree kids shouldn't be doing anything ! for obvious reasons ofcourse. This is coming from a guy who has been toking and growing since I was 13. I guess it depends on the person too with anything, it's how responsible you are with it. I personally know Bankers, Lawyers, and medical professionals who smoke. I can think back and remember drinking and doing stupid stuff and puking, never got into trouble smoking bud. When I turned 19 (drinking age in Texas back in the 80's) I drank less, once in awhile me and a coupla' guy's would get a twelve pack. Like I said, even with "all the weed" we have, crank and heroin is the thing here over a joint or bottle of Jack like back in the day. Sorry I kinda ramble.
      Quote Originally Posted by BABY1 View Post
      we were in Oregon last week and I must say it was a very mellow area with nice people but weed legal where we live? I just dont see that being a good thing at all
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Quote Originally Posted by mtnmedic View Post
      I live in Oregon, and ya know the availability hasn't changed a bit really. I do agree kids shouldn't be doing anything ! for obvious reasons ofcourse. This is coming from a guy who has been toking and growing since I was 13. I guess it depends on the person too with anything, it's how responsible you are with it. I personally know Bankers, Lawyers, and medical professionals who smoke. I can think back and remember drinking and doing stupid stuff and puking, never got into trouble smoking bud. When I turned 19 (drinking age in Texas back in the 80's) I drank less, once in awhile me and a coupla' guy's would get a twelve pack. Like I said, even with "all the weed" we have, crank and heroin is the thing here over a joint or bottle of Jack like back in the day. Sorry I kinda ramble.

      I loved your state and cant wait to go back this fall. I would move there in a heartbeat
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      I just think like everything , this is also different in this day than when we were young. We all know many people our age that smoked or still do and they successful and such. In fact I think it is est for age 40 and up,lol
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      Default Re: Younger generation and weed

      Quote Originally Posted by mtnmedic View Post
      I live in Oregon, and ya know the availability hasn't changed a bit really. I do agree kids shouldn't be doing anything ! for obvious reasons ofcourse. This is coming from a guy who has been toking and growing since I was 13. I guess it depends on the person too with anything, it's how responsible you are with it. I personally know Bankers, Lawyers, and medical professionals who smoke. I can think back and remember drinking and doing stupid stuff and puking, never got into trouble smoking bud. When I turned 19 (drinking age in Texas back in the 80's) I drank less, once in awhile me and a coupla' guy's would get a twelve pack. Like I said, even with "all the weed" we have, crank and heroin is the thing here over a joint or bottle of Jack like back in the day. Sorry I kinda ramble.
      What's up brother I lived in Oregon for a few years. I have kept quiet just listening. But personally if I can go buy a bottle of Jack and turn into a full blown idiot then why can't I smoke a little herb with the total opposite effect. I currently don't smoke now. Bit that is only cause I have a good job and I want to keep it. Now I'm not talking about being a full blown stoner sitting on the couch eating doritos all day at the end of the day sitting on the deck in the porch swing chilling with the wife. Really not sure it gets any better than that.

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      • Younger generation and weed
      • Younger generation and weed
      • Younger generation and weed
      Aw man ! my favorite thing is the Cascades, I found a killer ridge where you have a total view of St. Helens, Baker, Adams, Hood, and Jefferson. I brought my ex up there last summer and we had a great time. you can get a killer buck assed nekid tan up there fer sure. I like burning one with a cup of coco while everything thing gets that intense golden glow from the morning sun. yep good times for sure.
      Quote Originally Posted by thudgens96 View Post
      What's up brother I lived in Oregon for a few years. I have kept quiet just listening. But personally if I can go buy a bottle of Jack and turn into a full blown idiot then why can't I smoke a little herb with the total opposite effect. I currently don't smoke now. Bit that is only cause I have a good job and I want to keep it. Now I'm not talking about being a full blown stoner sitting on the couch eating doritos all day at the end of the day sitting on the deck in the porch swing chilling with the wife. Really not sure it gets any better than that.

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