Quote Originally Posted by Torres View Post
DAMN !!! B4 I saw Guns post I gave it to Bostin !!!
He looked bigger to me and fuller, but now that I look at it , he does need more conditioning , and to the untrained eye, me , u wouldnt see that !!!
I do think he made great progress, but hey , theres more that has to be done !!!
yes you are correct his conditioning is off compared to the other dude but like i said it could be his tan/color and his posing as well. if you listen to the dudes in the back ground yelling at him and saying oh he's got this blah blah blah. dont surround yourself with yes men. their is always room for improvement and you will never really fully be there haha. you may get close a time or two but no one ever nails perfect and a pair of eyes that will point out and help with your faults goes a long freaking way