i trained for about 10 years before taking the plunge, did the teenage comp stuff and did pretty well. so once i stalled out i took the plunge and i have slowly over the years tweaked and tweaked what i do. i have learned a boat load and i am still learning day in and day out as much as possible. i do so though both trial and error as well as research. i learned a long time ago what the medical community and research papers say doesnt always translate into what actually happens on the ground lol. so for me i do it for the love of the sport and competition always pushing to make myself bigger and better than the last time. will i ever turn pro? who knows prob not but i still love it and strive to the best that i can possibly be.

as for the dbol only topic. um yeah you can make freaking gains off of a dbol or drol only run. is it optimal? maybe maybe not but it is on an individual basis. our community is full of people that weight 155lbs soaking wet or 400lbs and both look like they have never seen the inside of a gym. yet they are quick to point out how this or that works and blah blah blah. hell 99% of our community cant even follow the simplest of diet plan for a wk. that's the sad part of what we have going on