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      In addition to being a writer for VPX, Josh Hodnik is also a staff writer for Muscle Evolution magazine, where he focuses his on performance enhancing drugs and dietary supplements.
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      DNP: The most effective and dangerous drug for fat loss
      by: Josh Hodnik

      Like many of the chemicals used today by bodybuilders and athletes of all sports, 2,4-Dinitrophenol was introduced by the late steroid guru Dan Duchaine. After researching a compound and basing a theory, Duchaine often tested these compunds on himself and other people in his circle. For decades Dan treated himself as a lab rat, taking in chemical after chemical that he thought would be useful in the sport of bodybuilding, with DNP being one of the chemicals tested.

      It was 1998, unemployment was low and economic growth was the best it had been in years, the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal was plastered across every major news outlet, and John Elway led his Denver Broncos for their second Super Bowl victory over the Atlanta Falcons. This is the year when I first started reading about DNP. This substance is something that really intrigued me. A chemical that seemed to melt fat at a rate of at least a pound a day without caloric change, and there seemed to be little to no muscle loss with users. This seemed like magic in a little yellow capsule to me.


      The history and use of DNP is quite interesting. Almost every other compound used by bodybuilders to build muscle and burn fat has a medical use in this country or another country throughout the world. This is not the case with DNP, as it is primarily used in the manufacturing of dyes, wood preservatives, and as a pesticide. A study released in 1931 by Stanford University clearly stated DNP’s effects on shedding body fat. By 1933 DNP became a popular diet pill. However, it was removed from the market in 1938 after many people died or became ill from taking it.

      How it Works

      This drug works by inhibiting the F0F1 adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, synthase molecule in your body. ATP is used in cellular energy transfer, transporting energy within your cells. Your body converts adenosine diphosphate into ATP and converts it back to adenosine phosphate after it is used. DNP inhibits this synthesis, and excess energy is expelled as heat. This results in burning up to 50% more calories. This is what every dieter dreams of.

      How it is used

      Tolerance is often built when taking dieting drugs (or any drugs for that matter). The body’s receptors don’t respond to a drug like it did during the initial use after it has been taken for a lengthy period of time. This is the complete opposite with DNP. Generally, a user will not take DNP for any longer than 8 days at a time. During this time the user can expect to lose up to 12-14 pounds. If you are one of the many that have not taken DNP you are probably wondering why no longer than 8 days. Instead of growing a tolerance to DNP, the fat burning effects and side effects grow more intense as time passes. You may only feel slightly warm the first few days, but when you get to the last few days you will be feeling horrible. You will sweat constantly no matter how how cold the air is, and you will feel extremely lethargic. This drug is putting off excess heat and too much of it will definitely cook you from the inside out (meaning you'll die) and dying by having your insides cook you is not a pleasant way to go. Internet bodybuilder Zyzz (the guy in the picture) is reported to have used DNP starting in 2009 to help get his extremely ripped look (prior to his dying from chemical misadventures, of course).

      Users generally start out with 200mg on the first day while working their way up to 600mg with a 200mg dose increase every 2-3 days. I have heard of people going beyond this dose, and I have heard of people going to the hospital over this as well.

      Side Effects

      You probably thought that the constant sweating, lack of energy, and the chance of cooking your insides were bad enough, but there is more. Phenols are reputed as carcinogenic. DNP has never been proven to cause cancer but there is reason for concern. The production of free radicals and the release of various compounds stored in fat tissue during DNP’s rapid oxidation may also be harmful. There is a small chance (1%) of getting cataracts while using DNP. I am assuming this is due to the flood of free radicals. Low levels of ATP are associated with muscle soreness, so this will be expected when taking DNP. Other side effects one might expect are allergic reactions, carbohydrate cravings, and insomnia.

      My Experience

      I have gone a few rounds with DNP in 2001 and 2002. I will say that the fat loss was beyond great. Once I was able to fully hydrate, my muscles looked full again, and I was extremely lean. The results were great, but the side effects while taking DNP were worse than what I read. It is hard to describe to another a person the feeling of constantly being so hot that you are always pouring in sweat. Not only did I not want to go to the gym, but I found it hard to complete any daily tasks that one would normally do. You are constantly drained. I found myself changing my sheets every day due to the night sweats. During the time that I took DNP my diet was poor, and I used this to compensate for it. Since then I have gained a greater understanding of diet and supplements, and I know that drugs do not make up for lack of discipline. Taking DNP is a roll of the dice. You may end up with less bodyfat at the end of a cycle, or you might end up in the hospital or dead. I do believe that DNP is the most potent drug for fat loss, but it is by far the most dangerous!

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      Default Re: dnp

      ANIMAL you were right it says in this article it was also used in a pesticide and like the man says very dangerous stuff , i really advise no one use this crap

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      Default Re: dnp

      DNP the worlds most dangerous fat burner part 1

      Discussion Tools
      WinnipegWill - 06-02-2009, 01:54 PM

      DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol), an industrial chemical with various applications, has gained steady popularity as a fat loss tool. Boasting an astounding 50% increase in metabolic rate, it is able to contribute to reported fat losses of 10-12 pounds in 8 days of use. Classified as an "uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation" medically, it is quite dangerous as there is no negative feedback system that may deal with overdoses. Specifically, there is no upper limit to the increase in body temperature that may be obtained with its use.


      Competitive bodybuilders and many others are continually on a quest for leanness. Used by the hardcore since Dan Duchaine's reporting of it a couple years ago, DNP (2,4-Dinitrophenol) has managed to steadily gain popularity as a powerful tool for weight loss. Interestingly, DNP was first used to ignite TNT in the early 1900?s. In 1931 a study released by Stanford University declared that DNP was able to cause amazing weight loss; subsequently it found its way into many diet potions and medications; regulation was much less strict during this time than the present, and many of these products were available over the counter. Two years later DNP was banned by the FDA as a dieting agent due to its inclusion in many OTC dietary supplements. The FDA was a new organization at this time and acted in a rather brazen manner, with the absence of any set procedures for taking substances off the market. Granted, there was only a 1% incidence of cataracts over a large population (around 100,000); nonetheless it happened (although interestingly, exclusively women). However, there are now ways to counter this which will be covered thoroughly.

      The comparisons to the current drugs used for dieting are astounding, at least in terms of thermogenesis. While the ECA stack has been shown to provide approximately a 3% increase in metabolic rate, DNP can deliver a relatively controlled 50% elevation in resting metabolic rate. The thermogenic aspect of clenbuterol, while sometimes overestimated due to the high CNS stimulation that yields a "wired" feeling, can vary according to prior exposure to various amphetamine-like compounds and certainly is not much greater than that of ECA. DNP does not have the anorectic effects of ephedrine or other thermogenic agents; rather, it tends to increase hunger, particularly appetite for carbohydrates. This problem is easily solved with appetite suppressants, and one may even use ECA itself for this purpose while on DNP.

      Molecular Basis for Efficacy

      DNP accomplishes the astounding boost in metabolic rate via inhibition of the F0F1 ATP synthase molecule, located in the inner wall of each mitochondrion. While the electron transport chain still functions to pump hydrogen ions into the intermembrane space, the coupling of the proton gradient to ATP production is rendered impossible by DNP. As a result, ATP production is dramatically reduced, and the energy is instead thrown off as heat. This results in an astounding production of heat; when using dinitrophenol, the athlete will radiate so much heat that it is uncomfortable to be within any proximity of them. Luckily, this heat does not fully contribute to body temperature increases, and is instead thrown off from the entire body surface, particularly the head. As a result, adequate doses of DNP will usually only elevate body temperature by about 1-1.5?C. This is a good thing for your central nervous system and other delicate tissues; if the heat produced by ATP contributed in a more direct matter to body temperature, effective doses for fat loss would cause supraphysiological body temperature increases on a level unwitnessed at this time. Nonetheless, overheating is a very real danger; this and other side effects shall now be addressed.

      Risks/Side Effects

      Hearing all of these wonderful things probably has you wondering what the side effects and risks are. They are quite formidable and contribute to making DNP one of the most intolerable (though effective) drugs used in bodybuilding. Starting with the most significant, and descending in importance, are the following risks and side effects of DNP use.


      Overheating - There is no upper limit to DNP's body temperature increase, meaning that one may literally "cook from the inside" if they take too much. Dosage considerations will be given later, but even an overdose of 4-6 times the recommended dosage may be lethal. Much smaller overdoses may result in damage to the brain and/or other body systems.

      Carcinogenesis - Phenols in general are reputed to be carcinogenic. Although 2,4-dinitrophenol has never been implicated in a cancer diagnosis, some are nonetheless concerned, and understandably so. In addition to the inherent carcinogenic potential caused by its status as a phenol, production of free radicals and the release of various compounds stored in adipose tissue stores during DNP's rapid oxidation of fat may also potentially be harmful.

      Death - This is self-explanatory and has occurred with several bodybuilders who chose to use this compound.

      Side Effects:

      Discomfort and sweating - This is the single most noticeable effect of DNP use, both by the user and those around him/her. Even in the winter, while indoors at ambient temperatures, one may expect his or her shirt to be completely soaked through with sweat. Those with jobs requiring formal or semi-formal apparel are advised to consider other means of fat loss (or a new job, if preferred). Other obvious considerations lie in the areas of social life, personal appearance, etc. and the user must prioritize.

      Insomnia - Second in frequency of reports to sweating and discomfort is insomnia; this may be at least partially attributed to discomfort. Possible means of countering this include such supplements as Valerian root or melatonin. Alternatively, one may deal with this via prescription or OTC sleep medications or GHB-A precursors. However, these may be addictive if used on a regular basis and if their use may be avoided, by all means abstain from using them.

      Yellow bodily fluids - Some don't notice this, but others find that all of their bodily fluids take on a yellowish appearance. Urine is a darker yellow, and even semen and vaginal secretions may be affected. According to current knowledge, this is not known to be harmful in and of itself.

      Muscle Soreness - This is yet another thing that may be minimized via cerebral function. Dan Duchaine has recommended using a weight such as to allow no fewer than 15 reps per set of any weight training workout; judging from anecdotal reports and personal experience, this seems to be good advice. Low levels of ATP are a cause of muscle soreness in and of itself; the additional factor of encumbered recovery mechanisms make extreme soreness (and if not careful, catabolism) quite possible.

      Allergic Reactions ? These are highly individualized but may be summarily discussed. Various reactions are common with DNP use, and approximately 10% of users will be extremely allergic to it. Allergic reactions can include hives, blisters, and/or inexplicable rashes. If you suffer any of these side effects, and they are extremely bothersome, it is the recommendation of the author to cease usage immediately. If so desired, another trial may be made at a later date with a lower dosage, but do not attempt to continue the drug cycle at that point.

      Carbohydrate Cravings - To counter this, some methods will be touched on later. As with most diets, willpower is sometimes the single most important factor.
      WinnipegWill - 06-02-2009, 01:55 PM
      Part 2
      Obtaining DNP and Making Capsules

      If, given these considerations, you still are ready to take the plunge and use DNP, you will need to learn how to obtain and/or make your own capsules. DNP is shipped industrially in large metal tins holding a glass jar containing the wet DNP, which is wetted with enough water to total 15-35% of total mass to prevent explosion while in transit. Ample cushioning material around the glass jar is included to further prevent ignition of DNP (it is highly flammable) and the obvious possibility of breaking the jar. Chemical sellers will not sell this chemical to individuals or any other entity without an account. However, if you are resourceful enough to get some, the following are instructions on how to properly prepare capsules.

      1. Extreme caution is necessary when making the caps. DNP is bright yellow and will even go through gloves. This stain will not go away for up to 2 weeks. If it does get on your hands or other parts of yoru house, you can usually get it off with 2(3H) Furanone dinitro (butyrolactone). It usually will come out of clothes with laundering.

      2. Care is of the utmost importance when measuring out the amount one would need. Dan recommends 5 to 8 mg/kg bodyweight in Dirty Dieting #0, assuming that the person is under 15% BF. He subsequently told me that he was really suffering on 6-8 mg/kg, and that is excessive in his opinion. Note that the calculation is bodyweight, not lean body mass. With the exception of obese persons, this method is sufficiently accurate.

      3. Obtain a reliable scale, a Cap M. Quik device, and some size "O" caps ($60-$200 minimum, approximately $10, and $2 respectively). Corn starch, available at the grocery, is also needed. Since DNP ships at about either 15% or 35% water by weight, it is necessary to dry out the material overnight before attempting to deal with it. No matter how dry it looks, this step is absolutely necessary for accurate dosing.

      4. The next day, mix 15 grams DNP with 10 grams corn starch, and pound it into a fine powder. Spread resulting mixture into the Cap M. Quik, finish the capping process, and you have 50 caps of 300mg potency. Repeat as above with 10 g DNP and 15 g corn starch in order to make 50 caps of 200mg each, or with 12.5g DNP and 12.5g corn starch to make the same number of 250mg caps.

      Bear in mind that the preparation process, in the absence of a laboratory equipped with a chemical hood, will destroy the immediate area. It gets in the air, and fine particles will stain everything. Wear clothes that are dispensable, at least 2 pairs of gloves, and a fume mask. Preferably, do this outside on an extremely calm day, or alternatively, place protective covering everything in sight if it is necessary to perform the encapsulation indoors.

      Timetable of Effects and Symptoms

      The following table describes the condition most users will find themselves in during a typical DNP cycle; it is by no means complete and mainly intended to drive home that users typically look at their best 3-5 days following cessation of DNP use.


      None; possibly elevated carbohydrate cravings and/or temperature elevation.

      T4-T3 conversion has begun to decrease; lethargy possible. Temperature should be elevated, and radiation of heat is noticeable.

      Body temperature is elevated, with all the effects that one expects from DNP use. In addition, water retention usually becomes manifest here.

      Definite water retention, along with other symptoms of use; user most likely feels fatter due to having "flatter" muscles (mainly the result of glycogen depletion) and holding water. Final DNP dose taken in the evening of Day 8.

      DNP is clearing the system slowly. All symptoms are still present.

      Water should be gone by now, or getting there. Mild diuretics will expedite this. The user will probably notice perceived greater cardiovascular and muscular endurance.

      This is when someone tends to look their best. Their glycogen stores are usually compensated at this point and the retained water should be gone.
      WinnipegWill - 06-02-2009, 01:56 PM
      part 3

      Dosing Schedule

      As touched on previously, getting the right dosage of DNP is rather easy to do although the importance of proper dosage cannot be overstated. It is far better for one to err on the side of too little rather than too much, certainly in the case of the novice who does not know if they are allergic to the substance. As stated before, the commonly used dosage by bodybuilders and other reasonably lean persons is 3-5mg/kg of bodyweight. This would mean that a 100-kilogram bodybuilder would use anywhere from 300-500mg per day. Experienced users commonly are found using up to 800mg/day relatively safely, and beginners sometimes find that they enjoy 3-5 pounds of fat loss per week with as little as 200mg/day. Dosing is highly individualized and most generalizations tend to collapse quite quickly; as a result, none will be attempted. Start on the low end of the scale and see how you react. It is not recommended to take more than 300mg at any one time; a larger man taking 600mg per day should divide the dose into a 5:00PM portion and another portion taken approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. Someone taking 300mg/day could easily take one dose in the evening. The typical cycling program is to do 7 or 8 days on, followed by 7 or 8 off; this should not decrease thyroid output dramatically and makes use of T3 (triiodothyronine, brand name Cytomel) unnecessary in most cases. T4-T3 conversion does decrease dramatically in the liver due to excessive heat; this begins within 24 hours of the first dose. However, there is usually adequate active thyroid hormone to make it through 8 days of using it while maintaining elevated body temperature. After approximately 3-5 days, the user may find themselves with a waking temperature that is no longer elevated, even though they are still using DNP. This is due to the decrease in T3 and may signal the necessity of either the use of exogenous T3 in subsequent cycles or shorter cycles of the drug. In addition, the schedule given works nicely because the user is able to enjoy the anabolic rebound effect on a relatively regular basis. Also, longer cycles might leave the muscle fibers in a state of relative dehydration and "starved" of ATP for too long; both of these readily contribute to catabolism.


      While using DNP, supplements can greatly aid both in the effectiveness of the therapy and the comfort of the user. Of particular importance are antioxidants and the following quantities are recommended:

      Magnesium (1500mg)*
      Vitamin C (3000mg in divided doses)*
      Vitamin E (1200 IU in divided doses)*
      Glutathione (200mg in divided doses)***)
      NAC (various amounts)**
      T3 (dose according to personal preference)**
      Calcium (2000mg not taken with the Magnesium)
      5-HTP (if not on antidepressant medication) (various amounts)****
      Meridia, Redux, or Fenfluramine (various amounts)****
      Hydroxycitric Acid (particularly in the evenings to curb cravings)****
      Pyruvate (2-6g/day in divided doses)
      Glycerol (3 tbsp/day in divided doses)
      Alpha-Lipoic Acid (500-1000mg daily in divided doses)

      * = Integral component of DNP program
      ** = Of questionable (although possible) importance)
      *** = Of particular importance to women for prevention of cataracts
      **** = For the purpose of appetite suppression (may not be needed)

      Practical Considerations

      Given all of this information, there are nonetheless more things to know before you undertake your first DNP cycle. The following tips and tricks gathered from personal experience and consultations with users are presented for your aid:

      Aim a fan at your head at night. Your head is the most precious thing on your body and is a prime site for heat loss. Any air flowing over it will aid in cooling via convection.
      Wash your bedding daily. It is a good idea to have some spare pillowcases on hand, if nothing else. Most likely, you will be sweating profusely while you sleep, and this will make your bed smell as enticing as a locker room. Cleanliness is also essential in the prevention of disease, not to mention the fact that you are breathing out DNP "fumes" all night and they collect on your bedding.
      Prevention of disease goes beyond washing your clothes, and includes all of the normal precautions that you would make to avoid infection, although in a more exaggerated way. DNP depletes your body of energy needed to battle pathogens and weakens your immune system, leaving you ripe for infection and incapable of fighting off most diseases once they have taken hold.
      This is rather intuitive, but be certain to wear loose, light clothing, preferably of a light color.
      Similarly intuitive is the desire to remain in a cool area … be CERTAIN not to overheat.
      Proper hydration is necessary – I have personally consumed up to 8 liters of water per day. Glycerol specifically aids in muscle hydration, so its use may be very important, particularly when considering that muscle cells in even a semi-dehydrated state are prime sites for catabolism.
      Cardiovascular work while on DNP – This is a strange issue that I have been asked about regularly, but am undecided in the direction to take and generally recommend that the user decide for themselves. My personal preference is to do cardio with a fan focused on me for 30-35 minutes at a relatively high intensity. This is an area for personal preference; barring other considerations, just see if you can handle it or not and go from there. Always be ready to stop if you feel yourself getting extremely overheated or weak.
      Diet - One may wonder why this issue receives such limited attention; after all, most methods of fat loss require a restrictive diet of some nature. However, there is no set diet that one must use to achieve good results with dinitrophenol, only certain factors that allow the user to decide intelligently how to eat:
      Insulin - DNP blunts the effects of insulin; this is a huge boon for dieters because insulin blocks lipolysis and causes the storage of adipose tissue. This means that carbohydrate intake does not need to be strictly limited, although it should stay reasonable for optimal results.

      Body Temperature and Comfort - A general guideline is that the more carbohydrates eaten, the hotter the user will get while on DNP. Similarly, overfeeding also produces extreme heat; any excess calories are thrown off as heat quite readily. For this reason, along with certain hormonal factors, Duchaine espouses an Isometric diet while on DNP, and I have followed this personally with good results.

      CKD's - These are extremely impractical while on a cyclical ketogenic diet (CKD), and are especially dangerous. This brings up blood glucose considerations; it is important to try to maintain relatively stable, or at least not severely depressed, blood glucose levels. If this guideline is not followed, the user may experience blurred vision and/or extreme fatigue possibly augmented by fainting or lightheadedness.

      Anabolic rebound effect – I still remember the first time I spoke to Dan Duchaine regarding DNP, and he told me about what, at the time, seemed impossible. But I have experienced this phenomenon, and it indeed happens. Possible causes include, but are not limited to, either an anabolic effect from glycogen supercompensation-induced cellular expansion, or due to increased mitochondrial density. Increased mitochondrial density is an adaptive mechanism of the body and takes place surprisingly quickly in the presence of an uncoupler such as DNP (or anything else that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation). Whatever the mechanism of the anabolic rebound effect may be, the user can expect to gain about 5-7 pounds of intramuscular water or muscle and lose about the same amount of subcutaneous and intraperitoneal water within a week after their last DNP dose. This is probably the most pleasant aspect of using DNP; the user not only experiences unrivaled fat loss, but also enjoys a fair amount of hypertrophy without any other supplements or drugs. Muscle retention, and possibly gain, is improved with careful attention to several previously discussed considerations such as proper hydration and intelligent cycling.

      Currently, DNP is the most powerful weapon against fat loss in the bodybuilder's arsenal; however, this does not necessarily mean that it is right for everyone or is by any means safe. The possibility also exists that PGF2 may be better for some people, particularly when taking the fact that it may kill fat cells into consideration. However, the guidelines given here will allow the user unrivaled fat loss, and will do so quite safely provided that precautionary measures are taken. While certainly quite dangerous, it is nonetheless the most effective tool available today for the loss of bodyfat.

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      Default Re: dnp

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Dintrophenol.svg 2,4-Dinitrophenol 3D.png
      IUPAC name[hide]
      Other names[hide]
      Solfo Black
      CAS number 51-28-5 Yes
      PubChem 1493
      ChemSpider 1448 Yes
      UNII Q13SKS21MN Yes
      UN number 0076, 1320
      DrugBank DB04528
      KEGG C02496 Yes
      ChEBI CHEBI:42017 Yes
      ChEMBL CHEMBL273386 Yes
      Jmol-3D images Image 1
      Image 2
      Molecular formula C6H4N2O5
      Molar mass 184.11 g mol−1
      Density 1.683 g/cm³
      Melting point 108 °C (226 °F; 381 K)
      Boiling point 113 °C (235 °F; 386 K)
      Acidity (pKa) 4.114
      R-phrases R10 R23 R24 R25 R33
      S-phrases (S1) (S2) S28 S37 S45
      NFPA 704
      NFPA 704 four-colored diamond
      Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C (77 °F), 100 kPa)
      Yes (verify) (what is: Yes/?)
      Infobox references
      2,4-Dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP, or simply DNP) is an organic compound with the formula HOC6H3(NO2)2. It is a yellow, crystalline solid that has a sweet, musty odor. It sublimes, is volatile with steam, and is soluble in most organic solvents as well as aqueous alkaline solutions.[1] It is a precursor to other chemicals and is biochemically active, inhibiting energy (ATP) production in cells with mitochondria and was once used as a diet aid.

      It is produced by hydrolysis of 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene.[2]

      Contents [hide]
      1 Uses
      2 Biochemical aspects
      2.1 Dieting aid
      2.2 Pharmacokinetics
      3 Safety
      4 References
      5 Further reading
      6 External links
      Commercial DNP is primarily used as an antiseptic. It is a precursor to sulfur dyes.[2] DNP is a chemical intermediate in the production of some herbicides including dinoseb and dinoterb. It has also been used to make photographic developer and explosives.

      Biochemical aspects[edit]
      In living cells, DNP acts as a proton ionophore, an agent that can shuttle protons (hydrogen cations) across biological membranes. It defeats the proton gradient across mitochondria and chloroplast membranes, collapsing the proton motive force that the cell uses to produce most of its ATP chemical energy. Instead of producing ATP, the energy of the proton gradient is lost as heat.

      DNP is often used in biochemistry research to help explore the bioenergetics of chemiosmotic and other membrane transport processes.

      Dieting aid[edit]
      DNP was used extensively in diet pills from 1933 to 1938 after Cutting and Tainter at Stanford University made their first report on the drug's ability to greatly increase metabolic rate.[3][4] After only its first year on the market Tainter estimated that probably at least 100,000 persons had been treated with DNP in the United States, in addition to many others abroad.[5] DNP acts as a protonophore, allowing protons to leak across the inner mitochondrial membrane and thus bypass ATP synthase. This makes ATP energy production less efficient. In effect, part of the energy that is normally produced from cellular respiration is wasted as heat. The inefficiency is proportional to the dose of DNP that is taken. As the dose increases and energy production is made more inefficient, metabolic rate increases (and more fat is burned) in order to compensate for the inefficiency and meet energy demands. DNP is probably the best known agent for uncoupling oxidative phosphorylation. The production or "phosphorylation" of ATP by ATP synthase gets disconnected or "uncoupled" from oxidation.

      The factor that limits ever-increasing doses of DNP is not a lack of ATP energy production, but rather an excessive rise in body temperature due to the heat produced during uncoupling. Accordingly, DNP overdose will cause fatal hyperthermia. In light of this, when it was used clinically, the dose was slowly titrated according to personal tolerance, which varies greatly.[6]

      Case reports have shown that an acute administration of 20–50 mg/kg in humans can be lethal.[7] Concerns about dangerous side-effects and rapidly developing cataracts resulted in DNP being discontinued in the United States by the end of 1938. DNP, however, continues to be used by some bodybuilders and athletes to rapidly lose body fat. Fatal overdoses are rare, but are still reported on occasion. These include cases of accidental exposure,[8] suicide,[7][9][10] and excessive intentional exposure.[9][11][12]

      While DNP itself is too risky to be currently approved for human use,[13] its mechanism of action remains under investigation as a potential approach for treating obesity.[14] Currently, research is being conducted on uncoupling proteins naturally found in humans.

      The United Kingdom's Food Standards Agency identifies DNP as "an industrial chemical known to have serious short-term and long-term effects, which can be extremely dangerous to human health." and advises "consumers not to take any product containing DNP at any level. This chemical is not suitable for human consumption."[15]

      In 2004, a 22-year-old male died of DNP poisoning, ingested as a dieting aid: the advertisement claimed it was safe to use at the dose absorbed.[16] In 2012, a British medical student, Sarah Houston, died after consuming DNP bought on the internet to help her with her supposed weight problems. Her use of DNP, combined with a pre-existing eating disorder, resulted in complications ultimately leading to her death.[17][18] On May 17th 2013, in a very similar case a 20-year old female in Warsaw, Poland, died due to hyperthermia caused by consumption of DNP to help her with weight loss.[19] The product is on sale over the Internet.[20]

      Information about pharmacokinetics of DNP in humans is limited and conflicting. The EPA states that "Data on the elimination kinetics of the dinitrophenols or their metabolic products in humans were not found."[21] The ATSDR's Toxicological Profile for Dinitrophenols also states that "No studies were located regarding distribution in humans after oral exposure to 2,4-DNP. Limited information is available regarding distribution in animals after oral exposure to 2,4-DNP." However, they do state that "Elimination from the body appears to be rapid, except possibly in cases of compromised liver function."[22] This coincides with a review in the NEJM on the biological actions of dinitrophenol, which stated that "Judging from the metabolic response, DNP appears to be eliminated entirely in three or four days; in the presence of liver or kidney damage it is possible that the drug will be retained over a longer period."[23] Oddly, more recent papers give an array of possible half-lives, ranging from 3 hours,[24] to 5–14 days.[7] Other recent papers maintain that the half-life in humans is unknown.[9]

      Although further investigation is needed, one case report notes that dinitrophenol-induced hyperthermia has been successfully resolved with dantrolene administration.[25] "Dinitrophenol uncouples oxidative phosphorylation, causes release of calcium from mitochondrial stores and prevents calcium re-uptake. This leads to free intracellular calcium and causes muscle contraction and hyperthermia. Dantrolene inhibits calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum which reduces intracellular calcium. The resulting muscle relaxation allows heat dissipation. There is little risk to dantrolene administration. Since dantrolene may be effective in reducing hyperthermia caused by agents that inhibit oxidative phosphorylation, early administration may improve outcome."[26]

      DNP is considered an important environmental contaminant by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. It has been found in 61 of 1400 priority sites that need clean-up of industrial waste. It can enter the air from automobile exhaust, burning of certain industrial substances, and from reaction of nitrogen in air with other atmospheric chemicals. The major site of degradation is the soil, where microorganisms metabolize it.

      However, the effects of DNP on anaerobic micro-organisms are still largely undetermined. Some studies suggest that there is anaerobic toxicity due to a reduced methane production.

      It forms explosive salts with alkalies and ammonia, and emits toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides when heated to decomposition.[27]

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      Default Re: dnp

      this should be enough information on why not to use this drug there is no easy magic fat burner on the market. just hard work and key diet and cardio dnp may shed fat at a very fast rate but if u die from it that wont matter to the judge at the comp u are not making it to or the girls at the beach that will not see your new abs stay away from it just bust your ass in the gym and show yourself and the world all the hard work u put in.

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      Intentional Overdose

      The average time to presentation in the reported cases of acute or suicidal overdose is 7–8 h and the average time of death is 14 h [4, 15, 22, 51, 56, 67–69]. The onset of symptoms was reported as early as 3 h and 30 min after the overdose [56]. The usual complaint of the patient is that of profuse sweating [46]. The initial fever is not associated with a change in heart rate or blood pressure, but tachycardia, tachypnoea, shock, confusion, convulsions, cardiovascular collapse and pulseless electrical activity are the eventual consequence of the fatal, deliberate overdose, regardless of treatment [4, 15, 22, 51, 56, 67–69]. However, there has been at least one case of survival following deliberate overdose in an 18-year-old female who developed typical features of DNP toxicity [tachycardia of 144 beats per minute, tachypnoea of 38–40 breaths per minute and hyperthermia of 39.7°C (103.4°F)] [70]. She was managed conservatively with intravenous fluids and ice packs to maintain her temperature below 38.3°C (101°F) and was discharged less than 48 h following admission to hospital with no adverse effects at the time of discharge. Ingestion of DNP was confirmed by analysis of gastric lavage contents.

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      DNP-Related Fatalities
      Fatalities from the intake of DNP, whether accidental or suicidal, have been reported since the turn of the twentieth century (Table 1). To date, there have been 62 published deaths attributed to DNP (Fig. 1). The largest publication of 36 deaths due to DNP was published in 1919 [6]. This was a study into the deaths in munition factories in Paris due to occupational exposure to DNP. It highlights the improvements made in the factory to prevent further deaths through simple measures such as ventilation, personal protective equipment and better hygiene. This combined with changes in legislation brought the death rate down from 16.3 per 10,000 t of DNP handled/produced to 1.2 per 10,000 t.

      During the 1930s, reported DNP-related fatalities were all individuals who had taken it for weight loss [46, 47, 51, 56, 57, 61, 67, 71]. After the 1930s, there have only been two fatalities in the remainder of the twentieth century [15, 68]. One related to deliberate ingestion of DNP [68] and the other was where an individual accidentally ingested a liquid he thought to be grape juice, but in fact contained derivatives of DNP [15]. This further decline in fatalities may reflect the labelling of DNP as ‘extremely dangerous and not fit for human consumption’ by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1938.

      Over the last decade, from 2001 to 2010, there have been 12 deaths related to exposure to DNP. These fatalities have been linked to deliberate overdose [4, 22, 69], accidental toxicity associated with use by bodybuilders or for weight loss [21, 28, 72–75] and accidental occupational exposure [33]. This resurgence in reported fatalities may reflect the increased availability of DNP over the internet, marketed particularly towards bodybuilders.

      Preceding death, the patient is often profoundly hyperthermic and there may be associated methaemoglobinaemia. Death is usually secondary to massive cardiovascular collapse. There have been frequent reports of a rapid (within minutes) onset of generalised rigidity after death [6, 11]. This profound muscle rigidity has also been seen to happen before death making mechanical ventilation very difficult [21]. This early onset of generalised rigidity after death has been attributed to the release of calcium from the cytosol due to the depletion of ATP [22].

      Ingestion is currently the most common route of exposure to the drug leading to death. The lowest published lethal human oral dose of DNP is 4.3 mg/kg [76]; the doses reported in the published acute and suicidal fatalities range from 2.8 g to an estimated 5 g. The highest reported dose taken in acute overdose associated with survival was a woman who took 2.4 g with no complications [70].

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      Default Re: dnp

      Most everyone knows someone who used Dnp if they're a high level competitor,i've watched my boy transform in terms of BF levels last year.............that was in addition to his cardio and training,the version he used was modified by a chemist ,they are many different versions,depends on your source.

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      Quote Originally Posted by wutlisstrice View Post
      Most everyone knows someone who used Dnp if they're a high level competitor,i've watched my boy transform in terms of BF levels last year.............that was in addition to his cardio and training,the version he used was modified by a chemist ,they are many different versions,depends on your source.
      Damn trice is back!

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