• Apple Cider Vinegar – Using apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular natural treatments for hemorrhoids. Simply soak a cotton ball or some toilet paper with ACV and apply it to the hemorrhoid area. Repeat this process until the inflammation disappears and symptoms resolve. You should see improvement instantly. Alternatively, add some ACV (half a cup) to a sitz bath.

Coconut Oil
- Apply coconut oil directly to hemorrhoids, rinse and repeat. In addition to symptoms subsiding, the hemorrhoids should disappear over the course of just a few days.

  • Witch Hazel - An astringent and healing tree, witch hazel is one of the oldest known natural remedies for hemorrhoids. Just soak a pad or cotton ball with witch hazel and apply it to the area.

  • Aloe Vera – As with the above treatments, simply apply aloe vera to the affected area to relieve symptoms.

  • Squat, Don’t Sit – This is actually heavily important and very overlooked. Conventional toilets are highly unnatural, and may be one reason hemorrhoids are rarely seen in less developed countries, where where squatting is done when going to the bathroom. Sitting down to pass a bowel movement puts tremendous strain on the rectum while squatting straightens the rectum and relaxes the puborectalis muscle. This is tip should be done along with any home remedies for hemorrhoids you may use.

Read more: Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids - Over 6 Natural Treatments : Natural Society
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