didn't realize Zeus was that common.....love that name.

Zeus is our second boxer. Our first was female, Laila (Muhammad Ali's daughter's name) who developed lympnode cancer and passed at an early age of 6. Cancer is prone to boxers due to all the in-breeding done in the 50's and 60's. When she passed I researched boxer breeders and found one that supposively genetically corrected the imperfections of the boxer. This fella, rick Tomita, was very well know throughout the country and loved his works and even more so his dogs. His written several books and won several awards for his work and breed. Check out his sight at Jacquet Boxers - American Boxer Club Award Winners. so, we made an appoitment to meet with him and, if he agreed, he would let us adopt one of his babies. this is wehere found Zeus. Jacquet boxers are supposed to live 12-14 yrs per Rick tomita, breeder.

Back to Zeus. I made the call to his Dr. and the Dr. seemed very optomistic. Made reference to several other cases where the anemia only happened once and others where they happened more than once. Those pets were put on life long meds with little to no side affetcs and for which they would live a normal life. Since his transfusion took place Saturday, we have an appointment with the Dr on Wed to see how his body reacted.

Will keep you posted and thanks for asking.