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    Thread: 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

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      Default 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

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      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      NaturalNews) As of this writing, it looks like Obama has a lock on the electoral college victory, although it simultaneously appears he has lost the popular vote to Romney.

      What does an Obama re-election mean for the next four years in America? Now that he's in his second and last term, of course, Obama no longer needs to restrain his actions according to popularity. He can simply unleash any desirable executive order and rule by decree, bypassing Congress as he has frequently promised to do.

      This puts America in a very dangerous situation, given Obama's well-demonstrated desire to destroy freedom and liberty in America. Remember: Obama is anti health freedom, anti food freedom, anti GMO labeling, anti medical freedom and anti farm freedom. He's the one who issued an executive order claiming government ownership over all farms and farm equipment, in case you forgot that little fact.

      He's also the guy who just recently issued an executive order merging Homeland Security with local corporate entities to grant the executive branch of government a power monopoly over the nation, bypassing the courts and Congress. You probably haven't even heard about that one, because he secretly signed it during Hurricane Sandy.

      Given Obama's atrocious track record on freedom during his first four years in the White House, here are my top 10 predictions for the next four (if America even lasts that long before ripping itself apart):

      #1) Huge expansion of TSA and the surveillance state

      Watch for TSA to expand its occupation of America by setting up checkpoints on roadways, sporting events, malls and "surprise" locations. Expect to see TSA agents become even more belligerent and lawless as they ramp up their sexual molestation of innocent victims.

      #2) Expansion of secret arrests of American citizens

      Obama secretly signed the NDAA, legalizing the secret arrests of U.S. citizens while denying them due process. Obama also authorized secret "kill lists" that claim to authorize the U.S. government to assassinate targeted individuals.

      With his re-election in place, expect Obama to start issuing a mass of "kill orders" that will even start targeting political opponents.

      #3) Acceleration of national debt blowout and endless fiat currency creation

      Under Obama, the national debt experienced a massive blowout where Obama added trillions of dollars to the existing debt: www.USdebtclock.org

      Right now, Obama is overseeing a trillion dollars a year in additional debt -- an amount that simply cannot be sustained without running smack into a financial catastrophe. It now appears that financial collapse it going to occur under Obama, not Romney.

      #4) Rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion

      Monsanto and the biotech corporations have thrived under the Obama administration thanks to USDA collusion and scientific fraud.

      Over the next four years, expect GMOs to dominate the U.S. food supply while the Obama White House rejects any effort to try to label GMOs on a national basis.

      #5) Increasingly dictatorial government health care

      Obamacare will grow like a cancer, pushing Americans into mandatory vaccinations that inject children with mercury, formaldehyde, MSG and aluminum.

      Look for the Obama administration to wage even more wars against raw milk freedom, farm freedom and food freedom, all while requiring yet more foods to be pasteurized or fumigated under the guise of "food safety."

      #6) Immediate surge in sales of guns and ammo

      Obama has promised to try to destroy the Second Amendment and deny Americans the liberty to own firearms. With his re-election, expect to see a massive surge in gun sales as more people attempt to stock up in anticipation of gun bans (or government gun confiscation).

      #7) Accelerated erosion of the Bill of Rights and civil liberties

      Under Obama, civil rights, human rights and the Bill of Rights will be rapidly eroded. This goes hand in hand with the cancerous growth of government. As government expands its power and confiscates more economic resources, it simultaneously destroys individual liberties and due process.

      This isn't to say that Romney would have been any better, of course. Both candidates were philosophically invested in the rapid expansion of Big Government.

      #8) Continued destruction and looting of the U.S. economy

      Under Obama, the financial looting of the U.S. economy by the global bankster elite will continue. The same would have been true with Romney, by the way.

      Under Obama, America's unemployment rate will continue to head skyward, entitlements will be expanded, and the USA will be plunged into a tyrannical welfare state dominated by mindless zombies who have no cognitive grasp of reality.

      #9) A "giant sucking sound" of employers leaving America

      Ross Perot was right! That "giant sucking sound" is the sound of employers leaving America in droves, hiring offshore workers instead of creating jobs in the USA. And why? Because employers can't afford to pay Obamacare mandates and still stay competitive in the global marketplace.

      #10) Stepped-up attacks on veterans and preppers

      Returning U.S. veterans will continue to be vilified by the Obama administration, to the point where even more veterans will be arrested as "terrorists" for engaging in fundamental preparedness strategies such as storing food, water, medicine and ammo.

      Watch for the liberal media to join the White House in painting veterans as "dangerous" individuals needing psychiatric medications. Never mind the fact that the media owes preppers a huge apology in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
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      Default Re: 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

      6,7,8,9 sound right some of the first ones are propaganda. I am a republican but Bush paved the way for 1,2 and 3.

      2 bad administrations with 2 terms each. 16 years of bad is going to take a long time to recover from
      "SHIAT BIOTCH, thats a big ass!"

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    3. #3
      guns01's Avatar
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      Default Re: 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

      blaming bush is a piss poor cope out to me. reagan pulled us our of carter's failure so what was his excuse of failure after his first 4? oh wait he already had it headed on the right track. this group of clowns taking credit for bush's success and then turning around and blaming him for the failures is crap. he only focused on his health care bill and then threw money we did have at our problem. which in turn has done nothing but make it worse. i would give a man more benefit of the doubt for saying yeah i made the promise but failed to follow through but here is my plan to fix it. didnt here any of that from him. oh i ended the wars and got obl. so freaking what. you ended them early and now they are crumbling and our kids will be right back over there instead of getting the job. thanks man, great job.

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      Default Re: 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

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      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory

      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      • 10 dire consequences of Obama's re-election victory
      i think we will be in bad shape in a year!


      "Goals are Dreams with Deadlines!"

      Note: All of my advice and posts are merely for educational purposes I do not condone the use of steroids or any other illegal drugs. I am no doctor and my advice should be taken with a grain of salt, just like everyone else's hypothetical advice.

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