Ramage couldnt keep up with chaels cardio and pace thats for sure. Even though chael is 0-2 at 205 he lost by submissions and was doing very well both fights

The thing about Chael is when he does all these interviews, and he sounds crazy when he says ‘I’ll fight any man God ever created.’ He’s telling the truth... When Rampage’s initial opponent went down before all this fiasco was going on, before Hamill stepped in to take the fight, when that went down I was with Chael and he was like ‘I’d love to fight Rampage.’ And I was like, ‘but you’re at 185-pounder’ and he was like, ‘I’d fight him in a heartbeat. Fighting big fights at 205 would not be a problem for him. (Chael said) whoever they think is the toughest guy, that’s the guy I want,”

Manager to "The Mouth" that is Chael Sonnen, Mike Roberts of MMA Inc. Sat down recently with mmaweekly radio and gave some insight onto his star athlete Chael Sonnen and his thought process of taking on tough competition. While it may come as no shocker to hear Chael call out anyone and everyone, it is a different perspective when his manager tells the story of Chael's desires in the absence of media.

Chael is a towering figure who could surely make an easy transition to the 20 pound division, but how would he fair? Would he be able to compete with the division’s top talent or would he be sent packing back to middleweight?