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    Thread: Boxing

    1. #1
      guns01's Avatar
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      so we put are youngest in boxing a couple weeks ago. he got to work with a 2x wbo champion yesterday, which was pretty cool for him. now being in there every day has got me wanting to get back into fighting a bit haha. to bad i am too big, too old and too busted up for that now.
      TGBSupplements REP


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      Default Re: Boxing

      Ha! I know whatcha mean. I did some boxing at a youth program when I was 10 till about 14. Then took it up again at 35 for a couple years until the place closed. Loved it and still miss it

    3. #3
      jipped genes's Avatar
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      Default Re: Boxing

      Never say too old brother. I still do it 2-3 times a week. Muay Thai is even harder on the body than boxing which I train also. Get in there and work out with your kid.

      Also when he spars make him take fish oil before and after. it has been proven to help reduce accumulation of beta amyloid plaques which cause cognitive issues like Mohammed Ali had (very sever case). ESPECIALLY with a developing brain. I limited my son sparring to once every month or two (unless it was no head contact sparring) and I made him take fish oil daily and doubled the dose on sparring days.

      What brand of gear did you buy him? Wraps, gloves, boots?
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    4. #4
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      Default Re: Boxing

      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Never say too old brother. I still do it 2-3 times a week. Muay Thai is even harder on the body than boxing which I train also. Get in there and work out with your kid.

      Also when he spars make him take fish oil before and after. it has been proven to help reduce accumulation of beta amyloid plaques which cause cognitive issues like Mohammed Ali had (very sever case). ESPECIALLY with a developing brain. I limited my son sparring to once every month or two (unless it was no head contact sparring) and I made him take fish oil daily and doubled the dose on sparring days.

      What brand of gear did you buy him? Wraps, gloves, boots?
      man, maintaining the amount of food a do now for bodybuilding with the cardio i do, their is no way i could add in boxing or muay thai daily. hell i probably couldnt even get by with grappling now. that and since i only have one shoulder and one fully functioning arm, it would def be a no go. i do still get amped watching and remembering haha.

      i didnt know that about the fish oil. we will have to get him in on that. as for the sparing he has only been training for a few weeks now and only spared once. the other kid was a lot bigger and more experienced so the coach only allowed him to defend for the first round and left hand body shots for the second. their is another kid in the class that does bjj and mt as well that is his age and size but he has been doing the other classes more frequently. so that would be more balanced for him.

      we just got him starter stuff for now. ring side or ring master was the brand of wraps and gloves and asics for his shoes. we will upgrade once he is a little further into the sport. we may start rotating him into other disciplines as he gets better at boxing.
      TGBSupplements REP


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      guns01's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by jipped genes View Post
      Never say too old brother. I still do it 2-3 times a week. Muay Thai is even harder on the body than boxing which I train also. Get in there and work out with your kid.

      Also when he spars make him take fish oil before and after. it has been proven to help reduce accumulation of beta amyloid plaques which cause cognitive issues like Mohammed Ali had (very sever case). ESPECIALLY with a developing brain. I limited my son sparring to once every month or two (unless it was no head contact sparring) and I made him take fish oil daily and doubled the dose on sparring days.

      What brand of gear did you buy him? Wraps, gloves, boots?
      i was wrong jipped the gloves and wraps he is using now are ring to cage brand
      TGBSupplements REP


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