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    Thread: My Training Approach over the last few years

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      irish_2003's Avatar
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      Default My Training Approach over the last few years

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      • My Training Approach over the last few years
      • My Training Approach over the last few years
      • My Training Approach over the last few years
      you can search my progress pics over the last few years and see what this philosophy has done for me.......

      i've done it all (5x5, high volume, mentzer heavy duty, gvt)....last year i tried my hand at DC but felt i needed a couple more sets.....this philosophy has put more muscle and my strenght has progressed at a faster rate than anything else i've done......the only difference in this program is that i add dc stretches and static holds to some of the exercises and my squats i only do 20 reps squats.....most importantly with my shoulder and knees i do no less than 4 good warmups on the first exercise of each group and 1-2 more warmups for all others......irish_2003

      "Growth Principles by Big A" (owner of professionalmuscle and IFBB pro)


      Why does a muscle grow? Because it has to adapt. When does it have to adapt? When you expose it to something that it has not done before. When is something that it has not done before? When the muscle is taxed 100%. That’s 100% effort. What’s 100% effort? When you train to 100% PHYSICAL, not mental failure. So, to make the muscle grow, you have to train with 100% effort otherwise, the muscle will not adapt/grow.
      Now, using the above logic, for a set to be beneficial to your growth, it needs to be 100% effort. So, a 100% effort set of an exercise, will make you grow. Then, what is the point to do a second set of that exercise? You cannot go more than 100%. The muscle already has been taxed by 100% from the first set, so why should you do a second one? You will just eat into your recovery ability. So, you should only do one set to failure per exercise. Later on, I will describe the training program and how exercises and warm-ups are involved.

      A muscle will not grow until it’s recovered. The muscle will not begin to recover until the nervous system is Recovered. It takes roughly 24hours for the nervous system to recover from a workout. Only then will the muscle begin to recover and grow. So, you should never train 2 days in a row. Even if you train different bodyparts, you still use the same nervous system. You train 2 days in a row, your nervous system recovers, but by the time the muscles begin to, you train again, so the body has to concentrate again on recovering the nervous system.

      A training frequency of 3 days per week (Mon, Wed, Fri) is more than enough. Numerous pros, including myself, train like this offseason for maximum growth. Even if you use streroids, you still have to train like this. Steroids increase your recovery ability, but they also make you stronger at a quicker rate. The extra strength will give you the ability to train harder/tear more muscle tissue, so you will need the extra recovery that the steroids will give you.

      The following is a great training program that I recomend:

      Mon – Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
      * Incline press – warm-up sets, 1 work set
      * Flat flyes – 1 work set
      * Millitary press – 1 warm-up, 1 work set
      * Lateral flyes – 1 work set
      * Rear delt machine – 1 work set
      * Tricep pushdowns – 1 warm-up, 1 work set
      * Lying tricep extensions – 1 work-set

      Wed – Quads, Hams, Calves
      * Squats – warm-ups, 1 work set
      * Leg press – work set
      * Leg extension – work set
      * Leg curl – warm-up, work set
      * Stiff leg deadlift – work set
      * Standing calf raise – work set

      Fri – Abs, Back, Bis
      * Rope crunches – warm up, work set
      * Lat pull down – warm-ups, work set
      * Deadlift – warm-up, work set
      * Bent-over rows – work set
      * Shrugs – work set
      * Standing BB curls – warm up, work set
      * Concentration curl – work set

      You do a lot of warm-ups for your first exercise of the day. You do one warm-up for the first exercise of each bodypart, only to optimise the firing of the neuropathways.
      Let’s use chest as an example – if for example your max (work set) in the incline press is 3 plates, then you do 2 warm-ups with the bar, 2 warm-ups with one plate, 1 warm-up with 2 plates and then your work set with 3 plates. The work set is a set where you fail at about 6 reps. Every workout, you have to do more reps or increase the weight in that work set (remember, the muscle has to do something that it has not done before). So if one work out you fail with 6 reps, the following nothing less than 7. When you reach 8 reps, the following workout you should do (increase) a weight where you can do minimum 4 reps. Then increase your reps again every workout until you reach 8 again, and so on. Each rep has a tempo of 2-1-1. That is 2 seconds in the negative, one second in the contraction
      and 1 second in the positive. Then, after you fail in the incline press, you move straight to flat flyes. You do not need a warmp now because your chest is more than warm after you failed on presses. And that’s it for chest. The basic routine stays the same. If you want variety, small changes as using DB’s instead of BB or doing flat presse and incline flyes for example, is mor ethan enough variety to keep the muscle ‘confused’.


      VERY simple. Very important that you try to get as close to 500g of protein per day. Easiest way to do that is to have a whey protein shake in water with every meal. Fats and carbs don’t matter. Calories don’t count, macro nutrients (protein, fat, carb) do. If you get to add fat on, just cut out the fats and keep your carbs bellow 300g/day. That’s all it is! Very simple, but hard to stick to, so not many people get results. On gear, the more protein you eat, the more you grow. Is as simple as that. Gear maximizes protein synthesis.


      You need a testosterone base. 750mg/week is plenty. You need an anabolic – deca or Eq at 400mg/week is plenty. You need for optimum growth, a good oral like d-bol at 30mg/d or A-50 50mg/d. You use the test and the anabolic non stop. The oral is 4 weeks on 4 weeks off. Every 6th week (the half way point between the off oral period – so 2 weeks after you finish the oral) you have a blood test. If the blood test is OK, then you can begin your next 4 weeks on oral. There is no reason for you to come off. The only 2 reasons are health or your receptors are saturated. If the regular blood test is OK, your health is OK. If you are still making progress, your receptors are OK. Coming off, will just sabotage your gains. That’s why I do not believe in set time frames for cycles. Listen to your body. When you use the oral, you need to use all the liver aids available – Synthergine, Milk Thistle, L-methionine, Liv-52, etc. Of course you cannot drink or do rec drugs during that time. Using these precautions, your blood tests will be OK.
      You also need to use an anti estrogen like Nolvadex at 10mg/d throughout the whole time. Also, you have a choice between HCG every 4 weeks at 5000IU or Clomid at 50mg EOD. These will make sure that your balls will stay at a decent size and they will not forget how to function. The blood tests that you need are: full blood count, liver and kidney function tests, FSH, LH, TSH, cholesterol. If the Total protein test in the liver tests is high, that is because of your diet. You need to keep an eye on the Billirubin and Urea test results. Your FSH and LH will be suppressed – that’s normal because of the gear. If the TSH is low, add 20mcg/d T3. If the kidney function is off, then drink more. Protein stresses the kidneys, so you need more fluids. When you eventually come off the gear, you make sure that you are off the orals. Then cut out the anabolic over 2 weeks. Then the testosterone over 3 weeks. One week after that, you need to add primo tabs or anavar (oxandrin) for 3 weeks. That will ensure that you will keep your gains.
      Ideally do a gainkeeper’s formula that is outlined in another article.

      These are the basic principles behind muscle growth. You do the above you will GROW, no matter what.

      this is how i modified in comparison (same set/rep scheme):

      monday- chest, shoulders,triceps
      1. inclined smith press
      2. db bench press
      3. weighted dips (static hold and dc stretch with flat db flyes at end of set)
      4. db shoulder press
      5. one arm side raise
      6. db bent raise
      7. straight bar pullover press
      8. v-bar pushdowns
      9. overhead rope ext (hold ropes in stretch position after failure)

      wed-legs, calves
      1. leg ext
      2. lying leg curls
      3. 20 reps squats
      4. leg press (feet near bottom so only balls of feet on platform - kinda like a lying sissy squat)
      5. stiff leg deads
      6. standing calf raise
      7. seated calf raise

      fri- back, shoulders, biceps
      1. rack deads
      2. wide pulldowns (static hold and stretch after failure)
      3. rev grip bb rows
      4. bb shrugs
      5. v-grip pulldowns (static hold and stretch after failure)
      6. bb curls
      7. inc db curls (dc stretch after failure)
      8. bb reverse curls (static hold and stretch after failure)

      i try to change 1 or 2 aux movements each time or the order of exercises

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      Default Re: My Training Approach over the last few years

      so initially what you're saying is only one working set per exercise right?i know in DC he uses a higher rep range of 12-20 but with rest/pause.so only stay in the 6-8 rep range for one work set then increase if able,either wght or reps?seems alot easier than the 5x5 i did last year when i had to break every lift into percentages,loading/deloading phases,etc...been wanting to give this a try for some time now since i've known you.so many new routines,or old ones just revamped that i don't know which to go with.usually i make my workout up as i hit the gym doors.by instinct.no set values or schedules...
      "Who me? I'm like 500lbs. Who me? I'm like at least 150. What do I weigh? I'm like 7ft tall" Lester Beetlejuice Green

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      irish_2003's Avatar
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      Default Re: My Training Approach over the last few years

      Quote Originally Posted by rocco-x View Post
      so initially what you're saying is only one working set per exercise right?i know in DC he uses a higher rep range of 12-20 but with rest/pause.so only stay in the 6-8 rep range for one work set then increase if able,either wght or reps?seems alot easier than the 5x5 i did last year when i had to break every lift into percentages,loading/deloading phases,etc...been wanting to give this a try for some time now since i've known you.so many new routines,or old ones just revamped that i don't know which to go with.usually i make my workout up as i hit the gym doors.by instinct.no set values or schedules...
      because i vary the intensity techniques each time rep range is really flexible....it does take a couple weeks to learn how to get more out of doing much less if you're used to volume...but after doing HIT for a while it's extremely difficult to go back to volume....i don't worry too much about deloading and all that because i'm instinctive in my added intensity techniques each workout.....some days i don't use any if i'm not feeling it....others i push it so hard i can't use any the following workout....i'm really excited that i'm going back to my old gym next week and no longer at anytime fitness....my old gym is much better suited for bodybuilding.....i'm a lover of hammer strength when/where it's available so i'm excited about this move

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      Default Re: My Training Approach over the last few years

      Great post . Irish through trial and error has found what works for him. All of us embark on a journey. While to a point we all somewhat respond in a similiar fashion. We all live different lifestyles come from different backgrounds eat different some are sedendary some may do other physical activities ect. Irish has found himself. Note many times i post where people ask advice. Some of you think im being rude when i question a certain way. Most that think that simply dont live ir have experienced the years of dedicated training needed. Irish is an example of a man who has.

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      Default Re: My Training Approach over the last few years

      Quote Originally Posted by ketsugo View Post
      Great post . Irish through trial and error has found what works for him. All of us embark on a journey. While to a point we all somewhat respond in a similiar fashion. We all live different lifestyles come from different backgrounds eat different some are sedendary some may do other physical activities ect. Irish has found himself. Note many times i post where people ask advice. Some of you think im being rude when i question a certain way. Most that think that simply dont live ir have experienced the years of dedicated training needed. Irish is an example of a man who has.
      that's the best way we learn Ket,by asking questions.if anyone thinks you're rude for asking what works for them then they've got a small mind.i've known irish for a few years and always wantedto give this way a run for it.don't get me wrong,5 x 5 and max-ot have been really good to me but i know there's something missing.maybe it's the simplicity of the way he runs his routine and gets results,idk but what i do know is after 20+yrs of trying and failing i've learned to listen to my body and accept guidance from others.at 44 most of these other routines just wreak havoc on my body,my joints.from younger years training like a nut to my years of hardcore addiction has taken its toll.i get more by actually doing less now.i know it sounds stupid but it's true.
      i used to do 20-30 sets per bodypart,split training at 4am and 11pm 6days/wk,go to my max every lift,etc...in my early 20's.now i pay the price.knees hurt,shoulders are shot,back is gone not to mention the damage to my test levels and connective tissue from heroin abuse.never again my man.live and learn.i wanna live and never stop learning.i ask alot of questions too and whoever don't like it well,ya know...lol
      "Who me? I'm like 500lbs. Who me? I'm like at least 150. What do I weigh? I'm like 7ft tall" Lester Beetlejuice Green

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      Default Re: My Training Approach over the last few years

      seems alot like DC...i see the veriation though and i actually want to try this!! time for me is limited, but putting forth max effort isnt the prob. i too tried DC and felt it a little alcking...instead of building it up, like you did, i moved back to moderate to heavy weight and higher reps, drop sets, forced reps, ect....thanks bro...i'm gonna print this out and give it a go.


      "Actually for once your actually starting sound quite logical!"-djdiggler 07/10/2007


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      • My Training Approach over the last few years
      • My Training Approach over the last few years
      Quote Originally Posted by daved150 View Post
      seems alot like DC...i see the veriation though and i actually want to try this!! time for me is limited, but putting forth max effort isnt the prob. i too tried DC and felt it a little alcking...instead of building it up, like you did, i moved back to moderate to heavy weight and higher reps, drop sets, forced reps, ect....thanks bro...i'm gonna print this out and give it a go.
      another approach to use to modify is phil hernon's.....i've read that sometimes instead of 3 exercises for a bodypart he's had people do 1 exercise, but 3 sets each with a different rep range.....i've also read that he's had them do 3 exercises still and each with a different rep range....i think depending on your alloted time this is very flexible to the individual......

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